The topic was the lack of constitutional eligibility of the putative president Obama and Obama's unwillingness to provide any hard evidence and documents to controlling legal authorities to back up his claim of a Hawaiian birth. Factual and legal issues will be discussed. Obama was born to a British Subject foreign national father and Obama himself was thus a British Subject at birth. Obama is not a "natural born Citizen" as is required by the U.S. Constitution Article II, Section 1 for that reason since his father was not a U.S. Citizen, not even an immigrant to the USA, nor even a permanent resident. Obama's birth may have been registered in Hawaii but with the contrary statements coming out of Kenya, and in past years before he ran for President such as these, it is likely that he was not physically born in Hawaii but only falsely registered there as being born in Hawaii by his maternal grandmother after the fact to get her new foreign born grandson U.S. Citizenship using a simple mail-in form available back in Hawaii in 1961. The false registration of his birth would account for the short-form certification of live birth record and the 1961 newspaper accounts of the birth being registered with the Hawaiian Health Department which placed those public service announcements in the weekly papers for all birth registered, real or falsified. See Atty Mario Apuzzo's "Catalog of Evidence" for and against Obama's claimed Hawaiian birth nativity story.
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CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)
Great interviews you have been giving. I strongly encourage you to send all your information, advocacy and research to the state legislators who crafting eligiblity bills.
Mark Hatfeild of Georgia:
Leo Berman of Texas
Mae Beavers of Tennessee
You may have easier time getting ahold of State legislatures rather than members of Congress.
Good Luck!
Here is the latest on the Nebraska Birther Bill. The first hearing on it is tomorrow
May be you can contact Sen. Mark Christensen and offer your help and support.
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