
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Is Putative President Barack Hussein Obama II Really Bari Shabazz, Fugitive from Justice For 21 Years Following An Auto Accident in Honolulu County, Hawaii on March 12, 1982?

Is Putative President Barack Hussein Obama II Really Bari Shabazz, Fugitive from Justice For 21 Years Following An Auto Accident in Honolulu County, Hawaii on March 12, 1982?

                                                        By Mario Apuzzo
                                                       November 7, 2011

On November 2, 2011, I published an article entitled and asking the question, “Is Barack Hussein Obama II Really Bâri′ M. Shabazz, Born October 28, 1959 in New York City? ”, accessed at The basis of the question that I asked came from a November 2, 2011 breaking story published by Martha Trowbridge entitled, “Bâri′, Barry, Barack, accessed at In her article, Ms. Trowbridge’s contends that putative President Barack Hussein Obama II’s real name is Bâri′ M. Shabazz and that his date of birth is October 28, 1959, and his social security number is 084-54-5926. She says he was born in New York City. She adds that he was born with the name Bâri′ M. Shabazz. She also says that to be able to enter the political world, Bâri′ M. Shabazz had to change his birth identity and take on a new one which became Barack Hussein Obama II.

Ms. Trowbridge says: “We know this: Bâri′ M. Shabazz was assigned social security number 084-54-5926, issued in New York, in 1974.”

Ms. Trowbridge has found that the Social Security Death Index shows: “SHABAZZ, B M 28 Oct 1959 Aug 1994 (V) 34 (PE) (none specified) New York 084-54-5926.” From this, one would think that Bâri′ died in August 1994. But no, Ms. Trowbridge informs that only his identity was made “dead.” The real person continued to live and that person became “Barack Hussein Obama II.” Note how she explains that the “death” of Bâri′ was only reported by someone (“V” or “Verified”) and that the person did not present any valid death certificate (“P” or “Proof).

What’s more Ms. Trowbridge explains that “[o]nce in the federal system, the [death] record was flagged as ‘PE’, meaning that an inconsistency exists between what was reported and what was recorded in the government’s files.”

Finally, and the most shocking part of her report is that Ms. Trowbridge contends that Bâri′ M. Shabazz is the biological son of Malcolm X. Hence, if Barack Hussein Obama II is the same person as Bâri′ M. Shabazz, that would make putative President Obama the biological son of Malcolm X.

On November 4, 2011, an anonymous source emailed me something very interesting. To substantiate the content of the email, the writer directed me to go to a web site of the Judiciary for the State of Hawaii and to do a search of cases that have been disposed of by that State’s traffic courts. The anonymous source had done just that and so the person provided me with the information which that traffic court shows on its web site.

I did go to the Hawaii traffic court’s web site which is called eCourt Kokua and I was eventually able to confirm the information that the anonymous source sent me. Access to the court’s web site may be gained by going to;jsessionid=FDFF513AA90109AC4375A7CBE7C8AF36. Once at the site, click “Agree” to the terms and conditions. Then click, “Search for case details by case ID or citation number.” Once there, enter at the prompt, Case ID or Citation Number(*): 1193041MO and hit Search.” The following report appears:

What do these reports say and what questions do they raise? The Case ID is 1193041 MO. The name of the case is State v. Bari Shabazz which was a non-jury case. The case is characterized as a “Traffic Crime,” with a “REPORT number W50100.” The offense occurred on March 12, 1982. The charging police officer is Duane Masayuki Espinueva. The event is characterized as an “Accident Major.” The charge was driving without a valid driver’s license. The case was first filed on Tuesday, March 16, 1982, in the First Circuit, located at Kane’Ohe Division. I checked and this court is located at
45-939 Pookela Street, Kaneohe, HI  96744
. The case was continued to April 5, 1982.

The record also shows that Bari Shabazz was supposed to be arraigned and enter a plea on April 5, 1982, at 8:30 a.m., in Kane’ohe Traffic Court, Courtroom B, at the Kane’ohe Division. The case was continued to May 5, 1982.

On May 5, 1982, at 8:00 a.m., Bari Shabazz was supposed to again be arraigned and enter his plea in the same court room. He apparently did not appear and so the court issued a bench warrant on May 5, 1982, bearing number “BWO 050582.” It appears as though the court set bail at $25.00. The record also shows the entry of “HONDA,” maybe meaning that Bari Shabazz was driving a Honda or that the prosecutor’s name was “HONDA.” The next entry is for May 5, 1982, at 8:30 a.m. The court ordered the “AP” (maybe meaning accused person) to show proof of “NEW YORK DRIVER’S LICENSE.”

The report then shows that the prosecutor on April 9, 2003, filed an ex parte motion to recall the bench warrant and announced on the record “nolle prosequi.” This is a Latin phrase which is formally entered into a court record which means that the prosecutor in a criminal case “will no further prosecute” the case. The motion was listed as “NP [nolle prosequi] 040903.” So, the charge was dismissed upon the prosecutor’s ex parte “Nolle Prosequi” motion made on April 9, 2003. “Ex parte” means that only one side made the application which in this case was the prosecutor.

The final entry was for October 30, 2005, at 8:00 a.m., when the court noted that a $-0- balance was owed, but said “Pls check.”

This information raises the following questions:

1. Is the Bari Shabazz named in this traffic court report the same person Ms. Trowbridge calls “Bâri′ M. Shabazz” in her report and who is listed as “B M Shabazz” in the Social Security Death Index? If it is the same person, then that puts New Yorker Bâri′ M. Shabazz in Honolulu County, Hawaii, on March 12, 1982. Using a date of birth of October 28, 1959, this would have made Bâri′ M. Shabazz 22 years old at the time that he had this major automobile accident in Honolulu County.

2. The accident is characterized as a major accident. Chances are that Bari Shabazz and/or any passenger was taken to a local hospital in Honolulu County due to his/their injuries. If Bari Shabazz suffered any major injuries or laceration, the physical signs of those injuries and/or lacerations could still be present somewhere on his body if he is still alive.

3. Bari Shabazz was charged with driving without a driver’s license. The court ordered him to show proof of his New York driver’s license. Hence, Bari Shabazz must have told the charging police officer or the court that he did have a driver’s license and that it was one issued by the State of New York. Hence, Bari Shabazz must have been a resident of the State of New York. Note that Ms. Trowbridge said that Bâri′ M. Shabazz was born in New York City. Also, what was Bari Shabazz doing driving in Hawaii with what should have been a New York driver’s license? Was he now living in Hawaii? Was he there on vacation? Was he there visiting family or friends? Was he going to school there?

4. On April 9, 2003, the prosecutor filed a motion to recall the bench warrant, to terminate prosecution, and close the case. Why would this case come to the attention of some local prosecutor 21 years following the initial violation of March 12, 1982? A local prosecutor does not just go looking for cases that are 21 years old and file motions to dismiss those cases. Someone must have asked that local prosecutor to dismiss the case so that the arrest warrant was cleared from the court’s and nation’s computer system.

5. Ms. Trowbridge shows that Bâri′ M. Shabazz, according to the Social Security Death Index, died in August 1994. If Bâri′ M. Shabazz is the same person as is listed in this Hawaii auto accident as Bari Shabazz, why would someone care to recall his arrest warrant on April 9, 2003 or almost 9 years after his death? Surely, it could not be Bâri′ M. Shabazz who was interested since he had been dead since 1994. On the other hand, if he was not dead he would be interested.

6. On October 30, 2005, or 23 years following the date of the accident of March 12, 1982, the court again re-visits the case of Bari Shabazz, noting that he did not owe the court any money but to “Pls. check.” Why would the court again concern itself with this case on that date, especially if Bari Shabazz was dead since 1994?

7. So, is the Bari Shabazz named in this Hawaii traffic court report the same person Ms. Trowbridge calls “Bâri′ M. Shabazz” in her report and who is listed as “B M Shabazz” in the Social Security Death Index? That question surely merits an investigation. If he is, then that puts the New-York-born Bâri′ M. Shabazz in Honolulu County, Hawaii, the alleged birth place and once place of residence of putative President, Barack Hussein Obama II. Given what Ms. Trowbridge has concluded in her report, that is a circumstantial piece of evidence that is surely worth investigating. What also supports Ms. Trowbridge’s position that Bâri′ M. Shabazz really did not die in August 1994 and that he is still alive as Barack Hussein Obama II is that the traffic court in Hawaii was still acting on the Bari Shabazz traffic case 9 and 11 years after the alleged death in August 1994 of Bâri′ M. Shabazz. What needs to be investigated is why the local prosecutor and court took those actions so many years after the traffic accident and at whose behest.

8. Finally, when there is an auto accident, the police do a detailed accident report. That report includes the name, addresses, date of birth, and social security number of the person involved in the accident who is charged for that accident. The driver’s license number is also included if that license is produced or otherwise verified. A physical description of the defendant is also included. The make of auto, including the year made and VIN number are also included, along with statements of witnesses. There could be a photograph of the defendant in the police record. A thorough investigation of this matter would surely include searching the police record in Honolulu County for this report so that this information may be examined and evaluated.

Mario Apuzzo, Esq.
November 7, 2011

Copyright © 2011
Mario Apuzzo, Esq.
All Rights Reserved


MichaelN said...

The scar on Obama's head?

dab said...

apparently others have come to this conclusion as well.

gl63 said...

OMG...I think you've solved the mystery.

This is creepy.

Patriot35 said...


That's when Congress started to undo Article II's requirement that the Office of President can only be held by a natural born Citizen:

1. On June 11, 2003, Rep. Vic Snyder, D-Arkansas, introduced House Joint Resolution 59 (HJR 59) which attempted to Constitutionally change the understood historical definition of a ‘natural-born’ eligibility for the U.S. Presidency in order to "permit persons who are not natural born citizens of the United States, but who have been citizens of the United States for at least 35 years, to be eligible to hold the offices of president and vice president.” The resolution did not make it to a senate vote at that time.

2. Then, on Sept. 3, 2003, Rep. John Conyers, D-Michigan, introduced HJR67, which would have defined presidential eligibility the same as Snyder's proposal, only the requirement to be a citizen in Conyers’ bill was actually lowered to 20 years, not the more stringent 35 years. Conyers’ bill was also rebuffed prior to an official vote. However, the introduction of two such proposals within a mere four month period reveals that Congressional leadership was conscious of the issue of Presidential eligibility prior to Obama’s candidacy. Whether these acts were put into motion at this time specifically for the benefit of Obama, exclusively, is unclear, but highly suspicious.

That may prove Bari/Barry/Barack to be a natural born Citizen, but it does not negate the Treason of overthrowing our government by dissembling, deceit, fraud, and deception.

I have two witnesses to this Treasonous act. Let the TREASON TRIAL of the Centuries begin - NOW!

Patriot35 said...


That was the year that Congress began its effort to try to remove the natural born Citizen requirement from our Constitution:

1. On June 11, 2003, Rep. Vic Snyder, D-Arkansas, introduced House Joint Resolution 59 (HJR 59) which attempted to Constitutionally change the understood historical definition of a ‘natural-born’ eligibility for the U.S. Presidency in order to "permit persons who are not natural born citizens of the United States, but who have been citizens of the United States for at least 35 years, to be eligible to hold the offices of president and vice president.” The resolution did not make it to a senate vote at that time.

2. Then, on Sept. 3, 2003, Rep. John Conyers, D-Michigan, introduced HJR67, which would have defined presidential eligibility the same as Snyder's proposal, only the requirement to be a citizen in Conyers’ bill was actually lowered to 20 years, not the more stringent 35 years. Conyers’ bill was also rebuffed prior to an official vote. However, the introduction of two such proposals within a mere four month period reveals that Congressional leadership was conscious of the issue of Presidential eligibility prior to Obama’s candidacy. Whether these acts were put into motion at this time specifically for the benefit of Obama, exclusively, is unclear, but highly suspicious.

That may make Bari/Barry/Barack a natural born Citizen, but it does not alter the fact that he has overthrown our Constitutional Republic by fraud, deception, dissembling, and deceit - and that is TREASON.

I have two witnesses to this act of treason, so let the TREASON TRIAL of the CENTURIES begin - NOW!

Anonymous said...

Maybe shabazz who had soetoro/obama/whoever's current soc sec number really died (or kept in a dungeon somewhere?) and soetoro/obama stole his soc sec no and make up a new id (i.e. BHO,) for his political ambition. Then to cover up his illegal use of the soc sec no., soetoro/obama has to erase shabazz's traffic accident records in Hawaii when soetoro/obama was getting ready to be the senator and the 'president'!!!
One puzzle: isn't that soc sec no. supposed to be from CT?

Carlyle said...

Just stating the obvious of course. But it really REALLY pisses me off:

If this were about Sarah Palin, there would be no need for all these questions and headscratching. All MSM and even second-tier reporters would be all over this like fleas on a camel.


All I want is The Truth. Why is this so difficult?

Greg Goss said...

If I drive without a license, and I have, I get arrested, finger printed, and a MUG SHOT gets taken. Then I am due for an arraignment sometime later. The officer is listed on White pages. I also believe arrest records are public........

SaipanAnnie said...

Carlyle says:

All I want is The Truth.

Odd as it sounds, I sincerely believe that Obama wants it just as much as we all do. He's weary. Just study his face, his body language.

Mario Apuzzo, Esq. said...

I performed a search on Lexis Nexis. I searched the term “Bari Shabazz” in Hawaii. I got 0 hits. A search of that term in the entire USA also produced 0 hits.

I searched “Bari M. Shabazz.” I got 0 hits for Hawaii and 0 hits for the entire USA.

I searched “Shabazz.” I got 0 hits in Hawaii, 1,124 hit in New York, and 7,793 hits for the entire USA.

I searched “Barry M. Shabazz” and got 0 hits in Hawaii and 0 hits in the entire USA

I also searched “Barry Shabazz.” I got 0 hits in Hawaii and 1 hit in New York. Below is the case I found in New York:

"Barry Shabazz"

District Supreme Court of New York, Second Judicial District
Date This case was retrieved on 2002-04-01T00:00:00

Case Number: 0028702/1998
Date Filed: 2001-01-29
Date Full Case Retrieved: 2002-04-01T00:00:00
Status: Disposed


Litigants Attorneys


Copyright © LexisNexis CourtLink, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *** THIS DATA IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY ***

Content Type: Dockets
Terms: "Barry Shabazz"
Narrow by: None
Date and Time: Tuesday, November 08, 2011 - 5:10 PM

bdwilcox said...

I've also seen pictures of Obama that seem to reveal a capped or false front tooth. Such injury is also common with a head trauma that one might acquire in, oh, I don't know, an automobile accident, perhaps.

Tiza said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brianroy said...

It is interesting that Martha only makes her appearance as of September 2011, and focuses on how the "terrible truth" is that Obama is really a US NBC, but without proof.

Mario, you clearly have been taken in by an Obot, and for whatever reason, see the need to follow this red herring. What you should be doing, it seems to me, is preparing an Amicus Curiae to introduce into the up and coming US Supreme Court Healthcare case, laying out the documentary and historical evidence with US Supreme Court and legal citations that the Healthcare Legislation isn't valid because Obama isn't.
The focus needs to be on documentary evidence that Obama was born a British Natural born Citizen, and therefore cannot be simultaneously a US Natural Born Citizen without a US Citizen Father.
You can read up on and utilize the 1906 report to Congress, this report in book form being a gift of Senator David I Walsh to the Harvard Law Library...

and then see that I have been consistent in reaching much along the same lines in my own blogs and analysis (in generality) as they who reported to Congress 105 years ago.

I would recommend that a joint brief by you, Orly Taitz and Leo Donofrio, or some other lawyers of the same persuasion, be reached out to, and an on point brief that Obama is not legally qualified to be US President be filed as part of the Healthcare Case legality consideration. You can use the Scribd Obama Sr. File, the Ann Dunham File, as well as the fake Obama Birth Certificates and expert testimonies on the Obama SS# from Orly Taitz. I would specify 333 US 640 (1948) @ 653 and a demand for entry into Court evidence of proof of identity (including birth docs with witnesses) per 533 US 53 (2001) @ 54, 62 accompany the primary foreign citizenship challenge in Obama's violation to Article 2.1.4 (now 2.1.5) NBC Clause of the US Constitution, and cram the "court can take judicial notice" of newspapers supplemental attachments to the Amicus Curiae argument by cramming the Nairobi Eastern Standard et al. back in Bauer's and the Obama defenders faces (in rebuke to his Hollister v. Soetoro legitimization via partisan media, including those working for the same ones who employed Obama at Annenburg's Factcheck, etc.). If I have been too blunt, here, I apologize. I hope the Amicus Curiae suggestion will be well worth serious consideration by you. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Patriot35: It goes back a lot farther than that--all the way to the 1960s, in fact, when Congress decided that the vice president (and thus by implication the president, since the VP would have to be in a position to take over that job) could be considered a natural-born citizen if one parent was born in the U.S. and spent at least 14 of their first 21 years living on U.S. soil. Whether or not Obama was born in Hawaii, he still fits this definition of natural born citizen, which is one thing the State Department considered when they vetted him in '08.

Patriot35 said...

MADWRITER: The Constitution does not get changed by a few members of Congress saying so.

First, the last sentence of Amendment XII (ratified June 15, 1804 - 100+ years ago) says: "But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the U.S."

Second, neither parent has to be born in the U.S., only that they be U.S. citizens when the prospective candidate is born.

Third, Minor vs. Happersett is the defining SCOTUS ruling on this matter, regardless of what the Congress has tried to do - back in the 1960's or the early 2000's.

Lisa said...

Do you think then that Baskin-Robbins employed Shabazz rather than Obama or Soetoro?

Mario Apuzzo, Esq. said...


There are many people wondering whether putative President, Barack Obama would be an Article II “natural born Citizen” if his biological father is Malcolm X, who we all know was both an Article II “natural born Citizen” and a Fourteenth Amendment “born . . . citizen of the United States.” The argument would be that since Obama was born in New York City to Stanley Ann Dunham, herself both an Article II “natural born Citizen” and a Fourteenth Amendment “born . . . citizen of the United States,” Obama would be considered as born in the county to citizen parents and therefore an Article II “natural born Citizen.” I can therefore understand why you are suspicious of Martha Trowbridge's motives.

First, our quest to discover who is Obama's biological father should be driven by our search for the truth and not for our need to satisfy some political or other selfish goal. To pursue such selfish agendas rather than the truth would make us no morally better than a person who may seek to usurp the Office of President by fraud and deceit.

Second, as I have already argued on this blog, Obama is still not an Article II “natural born Citizen” even if Malcolm X is his biological father.

I will be publishing an article on this issue which will show why under no circumstances can Obama legally establish that he is an Article II "natural born Citizen," even if Malcolm X is his biological father.

Dean M. said...

I have been trying at various blogs to bring attention to this since 2008 and the Israeli Insider article. That Malcolm X is the true biological father, became apparent to me back then. I believe, however, that he was born in Hawaii. What is missing from the picture here is Obama's work for the CIA. His personal records are classified. He was recruited as a Muslim during the Cold War.

kl0415 said...

Ms. Trowbridge seems to contradict her self. In her earlier post dated Oct 10, 2011. She show a photograph purportedly of Barry as an infant at a Nation of Islam rally in Chicago in Febrary 1962. If she is now saying that Barry was born in 1959 then he could not be be an infant in the 1962 photo.


I just wish someone would finally get to the the truth and truly expose this usurper.


African American History and Women - Timeline 1990-1999
1996. 1997. • (June 23) Betty Shabazz, widow of Malcolm X, died of burns sustained in a June 1 fire in her home. 1998. • DNA evidence was used to test the ...

• (June 23) Betty Shabazz, widow of Malcolm X, died of burns sustained in a June 1 fire in her home

Unknown said...

The majority in Congress, the Senate and the executive are probably not natural born Citizens and not eligible for office. Thomas Jefferson wrote: Only natural born citizens to work in government.

What is the real meaning of a natural born citizen. Allow me to explain.

Being a natural born citizen is a bit more complicated than being born to citizen parents and on US soil.

Founder James Wilson wrote after they formed the Colonies into the United States "we have returned to the ancient Saxon customs".

In Shakespeare's Henry the V there is a line..."Were all thy children kind and natural"

What does the writer mean by kind and natural? This is the clue to the meaning why the Founders used the word natural.

Kind and natural have the same meaning. The Founders placed the presidency into a kind.

I know this may be complicated to some, many readers scratching their heads. What the heck.

The Founders were Anglo Saxon, if you were not an Anglo Saxon you were a foreigner.

Go to the Saxon dictionaries..look for the word gecynde you will see it means natural.

Do you see the word cynde..kind...natural...this means race.

Now you have the secret no historian has been able to discover, the meaning of a natural born citizen.

Sure they have to have citizen parents. But this is not all.

SaipanAnnie said...

kl0415 says:

Ms. Trowbridge seems to contradict her self. In her earlier post dated Oct 10, 2011. She show a photograph purportedly of Barry as an infant at a Nation of Islam rally in Chicago in Febrary 1962. If she is now saying that Barry was born in 1959 then he could not be be an infant in the 1962 photo.

Actually, her statement was:

"A photo in Muhammad Speaks places Stanley Ann Dunham and Baby Barack at Malcolm X’s Nation Of Islam Annual Rally in Chicago, Illinois. Allegedly taken on 23 February 1962"

She states that allegedly the photo was taken on that date.

That is, she states that there is no proof as to when the photo was actually taken.

Malcolm X was the newspaper's main man. He was free to place in the article any photo he chose - including a photo of his son when he was younger.

Think about it.: With Malcolm's incessant, vigorous anti-white rhetoric, why would he feature a white girl with a black baby - unless it is his son?!

Mario Apuzzo, Esq. said...


I have examined that photograph. There is nothing in the photograph which gives one any clues as to when it was taken. Hence, there is no evidence as we look at it showing when it was taken.

Also on the related issue mentioned by SaipanAnnie, why would Malcolm X, who thought white people were the devil, allow a photo in his Nation of Islam newspaper of a white woman holding a black baby? I cannot imagine that he could not find and photograph for inclusion into his newspaper a black baby being held by a black woman.

But I can imagine Malcolm X being more than happy with allowing that photograph to be inserted in his newspaper if the white woman holding the black baby was his secret lover who was holding his own baby who he wanted to honor. And how proud it must have made Malcom X feel imagining his son listening to him speak on matters so critical to his son's future as a black person.

MinutemanCDC_SC said...

Regardless of who is the biological father, whomever the mother names as the father on the birth record is the legal father. So this speculation is moot, until a valid birth certificate (not forged and not a counterfeit) proves otherwise.

I second Brianroy's motion. It is worth studying closely, especially his case references.
"I would specify 333 US 640 (1948) @ 653 and a demand for entry into Court evidence of proof of identity (including birth docs with witnesses) per 533 US 53 (2001) @ 54, 62 accompany the primary foreign citizenship challenge..."
This indicates that for a claim to power in the U.S. government, the burden of proof is upon the claimant, i.e., Mr. Obama must prove he is eligible for office; we need not prove him ineligible.

An insignificant aside...

As for the scar on Mr. Obama's head, the biblical allusion is misleading.

"Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast. So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?” (Revelation 13:2-4)

In this context, the "beast" is not a person, but a confederation of nations that arises from the sea (the Mediterranean), as interpreted in Daniel 7:17, "‘Those great beasts, which are four, are four kings [or their kingdoms] which arise out of the earth."

The revived fourth beast is a Eurocentric global government at the end of the church age, also called "the revived Roman Empire," having two primary components: finance & commerce, and religion.

"One of his heads" could ¿possibly? refer to Germany, which was split in two, and later reunified. But unless you want to speculate about a human being with ten heads, Revelation 13:2-4 certainly does NOT refer to a MAN with a fatal head wound which was miraculously healed. The "beast from the sea" is a LITERARY FIGURE or figure of speech, referring to a future, Eurocentric, one world government.

Similarly, "the beast from the land" refers to a political, economic, and religious system that comes from "the land" - which in the Bible commonly refers to "the land promised to Abraham," from the brook of Egypt to the land of the Hittites [Asia Minor], and from the [Mediterranean] Sea to the Euphrates [River]. Your interpretation may differ, but this interpretation dovetails with other prophecies in scripture.

SaipanAnnie said...

Mr. Apuzzo says:

And how proud it must have made Malcom X feel imagining his son listening to him speak on matters so critical to his son's future as a black person.

What insight!

From what I know, this act mirrors the kind of guy he was. He loved to 'put things over" on others. Gave him a real thrill.

Carlyle said...

We still have not got to the crux of The Issue. And we need to challenge ourselves (and the Likes of Ms. Trowbridge) to focus like a laser beam on this.


Regardless of facts and speculation and accusations, we KNOW that a great deal of effort and money has been spent to clean up after this person. WHY?

Who is he, really. Why is he worth the effort. Who cares? By all we know (specifically from his own 'narrative') he is nothing but a common street thug. One among thousands or even millions of semi-identical 'dime a dozen' agitators and mal-contents. So, why bother? Why did 'they' not simply throw him out and grab another one, early on? Who are 'they'?

Simply being the son of MX, is not a sufficient reason to answer this question. It may be part of the answer but is not the whole answer, or even the biggest part.

This person, presently known as BHO, has no evident special or unique qualities. Take any category you want - race, religion, ideology, experience, rhetoric, etc. etc. - it is easy to find better choices.

So, the Big Puzzle remains - who is this guy, why is he 'magic', and WHO cares enough to remain steadfastly with him?


Tiza said...


Is there anything that you've seen about this Bari that shows the sex? We don't know for sure if he's a male or a female.


Mario Apuzzo, Esq. said...


This question is making its rounds on the blogs. I'm surprised that no one has yet found the answer to your question. A name registry search can be done which shows "Bari" is a rare Muslim boy's name.

Please do the search and report back to us here at this blog.

SaipanAnnie said...

Carlyle says:

So, the Big Puzzle remains - who is this guy, why is he 'magic', and WHO cares enough to remain steadfastly with him?

In your comment, it seems like you have entered the psyche of Bari, who is wondering aloud.

Where has my magic gone? Who will stick by me?

How unbearably painful it is to be lonely at the bottom, once you've been at the top.

js said...

the great beast of the apocolyps isnt germany...its islam...which was decapitated when the ottoman empire fell...the movement to recreate the kapiphate that we witness the resurrection of the beast...

Magog is the region of Gog according to the book of nations, Magog is the second of the “sons” of Japheth (Magog (Scythians, Slavs, Russians, Bulgarians, Bohemians, Poles, Slovaks, Croatians))...ancient Assyrian writings, places the location of Magog in the land mass between ancient Armenia and Media—in short, the Republics south of Russia and north of Israel, comprised of Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Turkestan, Chechnya, Turkey, Iran and Tajikstan. Significantly all of them Moslem nations.

The Munz said...

Any chance that you can pull up his NYS Drivers License Photograph? Should about clear up the mystery.

SaipanAnnie said...

The Munz says:

Any chance that you can pull up his NYS Drivers License Photograph? Should about clear up the mystery.

Now, to just which version of it are you referring? The original - which is undoubtedly destroyed - or to its replacement?

Still don't realize we're not fools, do you?

Tiza said...

Hi, Mario,

I can tell you from all the records that have been pulled up at WTPOTUS, not one shows if it's a male or a female. I know the name means a male-type Muslim name. Just wanted to make sure and then not be setup from Obots.

That's all that I have found so far. I'm not privy to various places. What about the accident record that you have? I couldn't find it on there, but seems like someone should have it listed.

Tiza said...

Dear Mario,
Please read this link of the references to Bari:

MichaelN said...

From Orly Taitz.
Re: keeping Obama off the ballot

"I need supporters from NH to call me ASAP 949-683-5411"

Anonymous said...

The surreptitious intellectual obfuscation here is getting tedious. A third grader could determine that the record (and definitely the Internet) have been seeded with information on this man. Some of it is calculated to confuse and misdirect, and some is supposed to validate Obama's claims. The sheer volume of it is more than indicative of an ongoing contrivance. Then you have information that's been scrubbed from the Web; millions of people have seen this with their own eyes. Finally, you have Bari pushing for the Feds being able to tell people to get stuffed when they put in FOIA requests. People, think! How the hell many Bari Shabazzes do you think have even been born in America? There isn't anything going on right now (including reactions to Mr. Puzo and Ms. Trowbridge's posts) indicating that Ms. Trowbridge ISN'T on the right track. The obot activity here seems analogous to an arsonist trying to engage firefighters in a conversation so they won't be able to address the burning building.

MichaelN said...

Orly Taitz is working hard on getting rid of the lying fraud that is Obama.

Please assist by working on blocking Obama's name going on the ballot in the early primaries states.
January 3, 2012 Iowa (caucus)

January 10, 2012 New Hampshire (primary)

January 21, 2012 South Carolina (primary)

January 31, 2012 Florida (primary)

February 4, 2012 Nevada (caucus)

Assist in finding any provisions in state election laws & regulations that might be useful.

Orly has already lodged a complaint in New Hampshire, please join the complaint (you don't have to be an elector in NH to do so)

MichaelN said...

About Dr. Betty Shabazz's grandson

More about Betty

Date of Birth
28 May 1936, Detroit, Michigan, USA

Date of Death
23 June 1997, New York City, New York, USA (aftermath of housefire)

Birth Name
Betty Jean Sanders

Malcolm X (14 January 1958 - 21 February 1965) (his death) 6 children


Daughters: Attallah (b. 1958), Qubilah (b. 1960), Ilyasah (b. 1963), Gamilah (b. 1964) and twins Malaak and Malikah (b. 1965).

Was a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

Carlyle said...

You all are scaring me with this stuff. It sounds and feels a lot more like the incredible drivel that comes from Truthers than it does the reasonable questions from Birthers.

The distinction I draw - and it is a critical one - is that Truthers believe the official story is wrong and that THEY know the answer and that the "good guys" are really the "bad guys".

Birthers, in contrast believe that while the official narrative is hugely suspect, we do not have yet a definitive counter theory. Our battle cry is "show us the data", not "this or that is the real truth". Further we don't think the establishment is behind this. Rather, we tend to believe we are being infiltrated by foreign agents.

Following the theory de jure can lead us into traps and ambushes. Let's try to maintain the high moral ground and ask the important questions and force the revelation of the truth.

THAT is a righteous cause.

SaipanAnnie said...

Carlyle says:

Birthers, in contrast believe that while the official narrative is hugely suspect, we do not have yet a definitive counter theory. Our battle cry is "show us the data", not "this or that is the real truth". Further we don't think the establishment is behind this. Rather, we tend to believe we are being infiltrated by foreign agents.

So the rallying cry has been sounded, eh?

Sorry, Bari, it's time for you to face the 'data': we're not taking marching orders from you - from ANY of your fake identities - any longer.


It has been since May 2, 2011 that the 9th circuit heard a case relative to Chairman Soetoro's eligibilty. Over 6 months has passed and no decision announced. Is this a normal time frame? Is there a normal time frame for a decision at this level?

aquawoelfly said...

The one from ct starts with a 4 besides barry soetero, barak obama and bari shabazz have several names and ss#s between them not to mention michelle as multiple names and numbers herself.

Anonymous said...

Is it possible the collaboration with others, in the act of forgery of eligibility documentation to qualify an ineligible person, with highly questionable and unknown allegiance, to attain the position of President and Commander in Chief of our Military Forces, can be an act of Treason?
If the answer is yes, then

If the US House leadership is presented with Law Enforcement verification that probable cause exists the eligibility documents of this usurper, sitting as president and running for reelection are forgeries, would not the House Leadership be guilty of Misprision of Treason if they refuse to carry out their Constitutional responsibility to investigate this matter, therefore denying the local law enforcement investigative body and the voting public at large of the necessary nationwide oversight and subpoena powers of the US House, without which this most critical national security matter cannot be resolved?
If the answer is yes, then

Does not the House leadership become knowing and willing collaborators in the overall act of treason, right along with the forgers, if they continue to refuse to carry out their Constitutional oversight responsibility?

I can think of no act of treason that could be, and is, more beneficial to our enemies and damaging to our Constitutional Republic than this usurper sitting in the oval office serving as the Commander in Chief of our Military Forces rapidly pursuing the transformation of this Republic into a more weakened Marxist regime of his liking.

Anonymous said...

Is it possible the collaboration with others, in the act of forgery of eligibility documentation to qualify an ineligible person, with highly questionable and unknown allegiance, to attain the position of President and Commander in Chief of our Military Forces, to be an act of Treason?
If the answer is yes, then

If the US House leadership is presented with Law Enforcement verification that probable cause exists the eligibility documents of this usurper, sitting as president and running for reelection are forgeries, would not the House Leadership be guilty of Misprision of Treason if they refuse to carry out their Constitutional responsibility to investigate this matter, therefore denying the local law enforcement investigative body and the voting public at large of the necessary nationwide oversight and subpoena powers of the US House, without which this most critical national security matter cannot be resolved?
If the answer is yes, then

Does not the House leadership become knowing and willing collaborators in the overall act of treason, right along with the forgers, if they continue to refuse to carry out their Constitutional oversight responsibility?

I can think of no act of treason that could be, and is, more beneficial to our enemies and damaging to our Constitutional Republic than this usurper sitting in the oval office serving as the Commander in Chief of our Military Forces rapidly pursuing the transformation of this Republic into a more weakened Marxist regime of his liking.

Anonymous said...

As part of Martha Trowbridge's extensive research she posted a photo of Obama and what she claims is his mother when they both attended the March 2013 NCAA basketball tournament at Syracuse. More photos of Obama and his alleged mama, Nancy Cantor (aka Jo Ann Newman, Stanley Ann Dunham), Chancellor at Syracuse. Interesting things to point out:

1. Notice the VERY similar large ears and shape of the head.
2, Notice the endearing placement of her TWO hands on his arm. How well do they really know each other?
3. Reggie Love fills the seat after Nancy leaves. Reggie and Obama are VERY close...cough.
4. Nancy Cantor claims that she is from the Bronx and born in 1952. Jo Ann Newman was from the Bronx and would have been born around 1945 or so. Did she undergo a name change and birthday modification, too?
5. The radical liberal policies match that of (her brother) Obama's mentor Uncle Fred Newman and of her son Bari M. Shabazz (Obama).

Anonymous said...

It's time to impeach bari. Way past time. The world is beginning to hate him, traitor and liar and betrayer. A judas.

Anonymous said...

...sexual identities. Man or woman? I say man.

Unknown said...

I believe Obama used the Kenyan Obama's just for their name. They had never seen him since he was born in America until his African visit as a young man. He's 'claims' their father is his, flies to Africa long enough for some photo ops with the family for future use and deception. Obama has no more use for them, his 'brother' questions his identity, stating he would like a DNA test to prove his kinship. Obama has done nothing to help the family financially or otherwise. The 'prostitute' Stanley Ann Dunham looks nothing like the Ann from Kansas in believe this family was also used to conceal Obama's true identity. Ancestry also shows JoAnn Newman daughter of Dr. Frederick J. Newman as the mother of Bari Malik Shabazz (no father listed). Malcolm X, I'd say is Bari's father. The wreck in Hawaii allowed them to 'kill' him and the new identity Of Barrack Hussein Obama was born. Playing into the hearts of black voters.