Answer: None - until Obama usurped the Presidency of the United States
18 April 2011 issue of Washington Times National Weekly edition - pg 5
Posted by:
CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)
Send this to Trump. The MSM has worked hard to discredit Trump for using the Grandmother claim. It would be very helpful if Trump had a laundry list of claims addition to the grandmother. It would make it difficult for the MSM to discredit all of Trump's claims.
If Trump on about May 20 announces he is running for President. can he quickly bring a lawsuit against Obama and have standing since these lawsuits are so slow in the courts. Or does he have to wait until he is chosen by the Republican Party as their candidate.
This would seem to be a good way to press the issue especially in an active campaign. A lawsuit against Obama during the primary season. By the time Nov election comes over a year later Obama will be crushed by the court case.
What do you think. Maybe Kirschner should talk to Trump about the idea.
If I was Trump I would run over and hire the two of you to represent me on this issue. Find good ways to fight the fight.
God Bless America.
I was born in USA to 2 citizen parents and never left this country. All my life working in America. I love my country. I am ready to die fighting this fight.
Great ad and here's hoping that some of the previously-inocculated-against-the-truth populace use it to learn.
There is so much information that at least warrants an investigation into Obama. Yes, our RINO congress won't do anything that we ask them.
Governor Brewer vetoed the Arizona eligibility bill.
At some point I anticipate a class action lawsuit filed by those who contributed to Obama's 2008 campaign. Obama obtained their donations through fraudulent means, by hiding documents and information that would prove he is ineligible to serve as president.
Obama also violated wire fraud statutes and possibly the RICO statute, but Eric Holder is certainly not about to go after him. A class action lawsuit does not need Holder's cooperation, however. Some anti-Obama people donated $1.00 to his campaign solely for the purpose of being able to be in the filing class.
If Obama were to lose such a case, he would have to return $750 million in campaign contributions. That should be interesting...
Read The Obama Timeline to keep up to date on the actions of the thug-in-chief: www.colony14.net
At some point I anticipate a class action lawsuit filed by those who contributed to Obama's 2008 campaign. Obama obtained their donations through fraudulent means, by hiding documents and information that would prove he is ineligible to serve as president.
Obama also violated wire fraud statutes and possibly the RICO statute, but Eric Holder is certainly not about to go after him. A class action lawsuit does not need Holder's cooperation, however. Some anti-Obama people donated $1.00 to his campaign solely for the purpose of being able to be in the filing class.
If Obama were to lose such a case, he would have to return $750 million in campaign contributions. That should be interesting...
Read The Obama Timeline to keep up to date on the actions of the thug-in-chief: www.colony14.net
Illegal Campaign Contributions
Hard to believe that a Republican, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, kills the bill in Arizona that would require the President to show his long form birth certificate!!!
In fact, not hard at all. Most Republicans are against speaking about Obama's problematic lack of a long form birth certificate!!!
Donald Trump is our only hope. The Supreme Court is already highly corrupted by being extremely biased in favor of Obama and systematically veto the case prevented before them in relation to Obama!
Good news from Louisiana. Too bad Jindal is not a NBC.
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal Will Sign Proof Of Eligibility Bill If It Reaches His Desk... | @ Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records:
Somebody's gotta get the smoking gun.
A bill passes and now it's vetoed ... by a Republican?
Wow, this is a death blow.
I hope I'm wrong, but doubt it now. It seems only Trump can save the issue.
I agree. Jindal is not a natural born citizen due the foreign citizenship of his parents at the time of his birth.
The Louisiana bill mentions only place of birth, and so it makes sense to me that Jindal would sign, given that he was born in the US. I wonder if he would sign the bill if it were to contain the 2-citizen parent requirement?
Did Brewer veto the Arizona bill?
Yes, Brewer vetoed the bill. Now what?
Governor Brewer should simply advise the Arizona legislature what her problems are, e.g. circumcision and the role of the Secretary of State, and ask them to modify the language or take it out of the law. The legislature can then resubmit the bill. That is how simple it is.
Excellent work.
Arizona House Speaker Kirk Adams was quoted in The Arizona Republic when asked if lawmakers would attempt an override of Gov. Brewer's veto.
He answered, "No", and added that the last time a governor's veto was overridden was 50 years ago.
(My comment:)
Existing election law requires that a presidential candidate submit a Presidential Preference Election Candidate Nomination Paper.
By signing the form before a notary public, the candidate swears to the fact that he meets the constitutional requirements for holding the office he seeks.
I did write an email to the Secretary of State Jan Brewer in October of 2008 asking if the SOS had authority to review presidential qualifications.
She said the time to challenge a candidate's qualifications ended in June and "[m]oreover, questions regarding the qualifications of the person elected President of the United States will have to be resolved at the federal level."
Rereading her response today leaves me somewhat confused. I can challenge the candidate's qualifications but questions of the qualifications will have to be resolved at the federal level.
I'm not sure where that leaves me. Is she in effect saying that I can present all the evidence I want but only Congress can resolve the issue?
We have all seen how well that works.
I emailed Representative Carl Seel, the sponsor of the "birther"bill and thanked him for trying and asked him not to give up but gave him your suggestions, Mario, to change the language or delete whatever the governor objects to and resubmit it. I hope he reads my email and doesn't give up.I also reminded him of the parents citizenship portion. Everyone ignores that or do not know its a requirement.
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