Topic: The continuing Obama presidential constitutional eligibility issue and LTC Terry Lakin's court martial and imprisonment due to his stand and effort in 2010 to get to the truth about Obama's hidden long-form birth documents and to live up to his commissioned officer's oath to support and defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.
If you can, please make a donation to help support Terry Lakin and his family while he is imprisoned in Ft. Leavenworth because of his efforts to support and defend the U.S. Constitution: http://www.terrylakinactionfund.com/
Listen to the show on Podcast at: http://radiosandysprings.com/podcasts/TLAFApr4.2011.mp3
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Excellent detective work and summary! Perhaps Donald Trump with all his influence and funds will break the case!! Do you have any knowledge of the exact amount of money that Obama has spent to bury his records? Estimates of over $2,000,000 have been quoted. To me, that is also firm evidence that he has much to hide?
Excellent detective work and summary! Perhaps Donald Trump with all his influence and funds will break the case!! Do you have any knowledge of the exact amount of money that Obama has spent to bury his records? Estimates of over $2,000,000 have been quoted. To me, that is also firm evidence that he has much to hide?
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