He was born a British Subject. He is NOT a "natural born Citizen" to constitutional standards. He has never conclusively proved he was born in Hawaii. My paternal family in Kenya, Kenyan government officials, and newspapers in Kenya say he was born in Kenya. His maternal grandmother likely falsely and illegally registered him as born in Hawaii to get him, her new foreign-born grandson, U.S. Citizenship.
Link to read and download newest ad: http://www.scribd.com/doc/38156915/Obama-Ineligible-I-tried-and-lied-but-it-won-t-go-away-Wash-Times-Natl-Wkly-2010-09-27-pg-5
History shows us that a popularly elected, but ineligible, chief executive in the executive branch of a government can be legally and constitutionally removed from office, e.g., Governor Thomas H. Moodie of North Dakota was a prime example. After he was sworn in and serving as Governor, the North Dakota State Supreme Court ordered Governor Moodie removed from office, after it was determined that he was constitutionally and legally ineligible to serve in the office to which he was popularly elected.
A request from CDR Kerchner:
Also, please cast your votes to Help the Cause to get the word out:
1st: Vote for the show topic for the Judge Andrew Napolitano "Freedom Watch" TV show to be a discussion of the legal term of art, "natural born Citizenship". Please add your vote (in addition to making a comment if desired) for this new TV Show topic suggested by JTX at the Judge Andrew Napolitano "Freedom Watch" TV show suggestion forum. Go to this link and click on the VOTE button and cast 3 of your 10 votes for the show topic to be "natural born Citizenship". Don't just make a comment only. That does not count as a vote. Be sure to VOTE too: http://freedomwatch.uservoice.com/forums/16625-freedom-watch-show-ideas/suggestions/969299-natural-born-citizen-meaning-in-natural-law-s?ref=title
2nd: Vote for Mario to be a guest on Judge Andrew Napolitano's Freedom Watch TV show: Please add your vote here (in addition to making a comment if desired) to get Attorney Mario Apuzzo on the air with the Judge Andrew Napolitano to discuss this issue. Go to this link and click on the VOTE button and cast 3 of your 10 votes for Mario Apuzzo. Don't just make a comment only. That does not count as a vote. Be sure to VOTE too: http://freedomwatch.uservoice.com/forums/16626-freedom-watch-guest-suggestions/suggestions/268573-mario-apuzzo-esq-
Charles F. Kerchner, Jr., Commander USNR (Retired)
Lead Plaintiff, Kerchner v Obama & Congress
Please if you can, visit this site and help the cause:
Looks like a really good ad that SHOULD get the attention of some of the CongressCats (if they can read).
I do hope that Mario's working away on the Writ by this time and hasn't gone off ocean-fishing.
Dear JayJay,
I assure you that Attorney Apuzzo is working on the Writ of Certiorari and getting the specialized printing done and getting it filed with the Supreme Court as we speak. We have worked our way up the legal system ladder the last 20+ months. Haste makes waste. Only fools rush in, etc. This filing will be done right and Mario is the man to do it. The filing is coming. Just keep watching this blog for the announcement.
CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)
Lead Plaintiff
Kerchner et al v Obama & Congress et al
Glad to hear it, indeed, and if it's of at lkeast the same quality as his former efforts it should do quite well I think.
I'd just "picked up" on a rumor that he was off swordfishing in FL or the Caribbean. But that was probably from one of the opposition websites - you know how they like to spread misinformation.
A picture is worth a thousand words. This painting is worth a million words.
The Forgotten Man ...
CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)
Lead Plaintiff, Kerchner v Obama & Congress
bdwilcox has left a new comment on your post "New Ad - Obama Ineligible! I Tried and Lied But It...":
That painting is classic. Unfortunately, it is far too kind to the usurper who should really be portrayed doing unspeakable acts to our precious Constitution. Perhaps the artist should have painted a [editor's deletion] where the voice of Barry is behind the door asking for another Constitution.
Posted by bdwilcox to A Place to Ask Questions to Get the Right Answers at September 13, 2010 5:24PM
When you, people in charge of defending our US Constitution, when are you going to get tangible results on your fight to uncover the usurper, fraudulent, illegitimate President of the USA?
And when are you going to make Obama pay for his crimes?
You, Mr. Apuzzo, but also the others, Orly Taitz, Berg, and others.
It is really heartbreaking and very disturbing that so far, after many months, nothing has happened concerning concrete results in your fight to uncover the truth on the lack of eligibility of Obama to be President of the USA!! NOTHING!! You are all at square ZERO despite you many contacts with the corrupted, perverted, unreliable American judicial system!!!
It proves another thing: there is no Justice in the American judicial system. It is the law of the strongest financially and that is all there is to it!!! Very sad conclusion I have to say.
Having said that, keep fighting until full success and never give up. Thanks for your efforts.
The various lawyers including myself who you mentioned have all tried their best under tremendous pressure and risk to bring the Obama eligibility question to justice so that it may be adjudicated by the rule of law rather than the voting majority, the political parties, their friends, and our enemies. The courts have refused to take jurisdiction over all the cases. Many of the cases were appealed, but the appeals courts also refused to grant any relief. That is our legal system and we are bound by the decisions of the courts.
On the Kerchner v. Obama/Congress case, I am now preparing a petition for a writ of certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court. I will be filing the petition on or before September 30, 2010. That means that the Kerchner case is still alive and continuing in the legal system. Now we will see what the U.S. Supreme Court will say about all that has happened to date.
You say that despite all the legal actions, the eligibility lawyers have achieved "NOTHING" in concrete results thus far. I must disagree. The attorneys' and their clients' legal battles have provided the American people with much information on the Obama eligibility issue. The American public is becoming more and more demanding that Obama show conclusively that he is a "natural born Citizen." They are demanding that Obama conclusively show that he was born in Hawaii. The current polls/surveys confirm this trend.
Our legal actions have also helped educate the people as to the Founders' and Framers' definition of an Article II "natural born Citizen." That definition, which neither the U.S. Supreme Court to this day nor the 14th Amendment has ever changed, is a child born in the country (or its equivalent) to citizen parents (mother and father). Under this definition of a "natural born Citizen," Obama must show both that he was born in Hawaii and that he was born to citizen parents. So far, he has failed on both fronts. He still has not conclusively proven that he was born in Hawaii and we know that his father was not a U.S. citizen (not even a U.S. legal permanent resident or immigrant) when Obama was born.
Please stay in this fight and continue your support.
Mario Apuzzo, Esq.
The various lawyers including myself who you mentioned have all tried their best under tremendous pressure and risk to bring the Obama eligibility question to justice so that it may be adjudicated by the rule of law rather than the voting majority, the political parties, their friends, and our enemies. The courts have refused to take jurisdiction over all the cases. Many of the cases were appealed, but the appeals courts also refused to grant any relief. That is our legal system and we are bound by the decisions of the courts.
On the Kerchner v. Obama/Congress case, I am now preparing a petition for a writ of certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court. I will be filing the petition on or before September 30, 2010. That means that the Kerchner case is still alive and continuing in the legal system. Now we will see what the U.S. Supreme Court will say about all that has happened to date.
You say that despite all the legal actions, the eligibility lawyers have achieved "NOTHING" in concrete results thus far. I must disagree. The attorneys' and their clients' legal battles have provided the American people with much information on the Obama eligibility issue. The American public is becoming more and more demanding that Obama show conclusively that he is a "natural born Citizen." They are demanding that Obama conclusively show that he was born in Hawaii. The current polls/surveys confirm this trend.
Our legal actions have also helped educate the people as to the Founders' and Framers' definition of an Article II "natural born Citizen." That definition, which neither the U.S. Supreme Court to this day nor the 14th Amendment has ever changed, is a child born in the country (or its equivalent) to citizen parents (mother and father). Under this definition of a "natural born Citizen," Obama must show both that he was born in Hawaii and that he was born to citizen parents. So far, he has failed on both fronts. He still has not conclusively proven that he was born in Hawaii and we know that his father was not a U.S. citizen (not even a U.S. legal permanent resident or immigrant) when Obama was born.
Please stay in this fight and continue your support.
Mario Apuzzo, Esq.
Hi Charles and Mario,
A question for you.
Who is the attorney, Willaim H Gilardy, Jr?
According to a new story on the web, he represented the Hawaii Democrat Party for the last 15 years. All of those legal cases are now scrubbed from the internet.
He is also the divorce attorney for Stanley Soetoro in her divorce.
He also helped the HDP's refusal to certify Obama's eligibility for the HA ballots.
He assisted in drafting new language for the HDP to sign not like the other 49 states on Constitutional eligibility.
He is the one person[still alive] who probably has seen the original birth certificate and who may have the "missing" page from the divorce file. and, he probably requested the "Certified Copy" of the Kenya birth certificate for the divorce.
Interesting! YES?
Take Care and be Safe.
New defense strategy proposed for LTC Lakin by United States Patriots Union chaired by Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely (Ret.)
Hmm... much of their argument... looks familiar... can't put my finger on it...
Hello Guy,
Mario is very busy preparing the Writ of Certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court. So let me try to address your comment the best I can.
Yes, I surely think he would have known the exact details of Obama's Hawaiian birth registration status, with any subsequent amendments, as part of the divorce proceedings by Obama's mother, and likely was provided copies of same by Obama's momma or got them at her behest from the vital records department for the divorce process. And that missing page is conveniently missing like so many of Obama's records. Probably was something on that page that Obama did not want anyone to see and one of Obama's many tentacled operatives got it somehow pulled from that file. There is so much key and vital information missing about Obama's early life it all cannot be an accident, but the result of a scrubbing effort by a person with access to 100s of lawyers and millions in foreign money and 10s of thousands of ACORN and SEIU volunteers everywhere.
Here is an interesting recent blog post which mentions Atty William Gilardy, Jr. He was not just simply Obama's momma's divorce lawyer. He is part of the Democratic Party machine in that state, which party we know is far, far let in its agenda. As the attorney for the state Democratic Party for Hawaii at one time, I doubt if he will even respond to queries and if so would be extremely hostile to answering any questions. Read this whole post and the comments. But if we get my case into a court of law, and needed depositions can be taken under oath, well that's a different scenario.
Our new ad running today on page 5 of the Washington Times National Weekly edition has been featured at ObamaReleaseYourRecords.com
CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)
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