The ad depicts "The Three Enablers" of Obama's usurpation of the Office of the Presidency and Commander-in-Chief of our military in violation of the eligibility clause of Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution. Despite the pleas and petitions of the hundreds of thousands of Americans for a serious in-depth investigation of Obama's sealed and hidden early life records, the Congress will not "look" at or investigate the merits of the charges against Obama despite holding hearings and investigations of John McCain in April 2008 on similar eligibility charges thus violating our right to equal protection under our Constitution. The Courts will not "hear" in a trial the merits of the charges against Obama. And the Main Stream Media will not "talk" about the merits of the charges against Obama and investigate his hidden early life records and thoroughly discuss with the American people the legal and Constitutional issues involved. The Three Enablers are not being responsive to questions and concerns of We the People and have placed a "cone of silence" over this issue to the detriment of Constitution and the Republic. Their ignoring the concerns of the People on a matter as serious as this and allowing Obama to completely seal and hide all his early life records and not requiring him to conclusively prove his constitutional eligibility to a controlling legal authority endangers our system of government. We are supposed to be a nation of laws not men. The Constitution is the fundamental law of our land and guarantor of a representative Republic form of government. With an arrogant, indifferent, and imperial Congress, complacent Judiciary, and a silent main stream media and press, our freedom and liberty and the future of our Republic is in great danger.
Charles F. Kerchner, Jr., Commander USNR (Retired)
Lead Plaintiff, Kerchner v Obama & Congress
Please help the cause to fund more ads to educate the People about Obama's usurpation of his office: http://www.protectourliberty.org/
A very expressive graphic - the ad should attract a lot of attention!
Very true. This was set up by the communists years before the election as evidenced by their early efforts to change the definition of NBC.
Donofrio shouldn't have taken down all the research along with his quitting the blog.
Everyone gets in a huff when it comes to the Usurper!
I’d just like to remind everyone– “Sen. Nickles (OK) along with Landrieu (LA) and Inhofe (OK) brought forward S. 2128 in February 25, 2004, the Natural Born Citizen Act, a bill to define the term “natural born Citizen” as used in Article II of the Constitution of the United States to establish eligibility for the Office of President. http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=s108-2128.”
The bill went on to try to redefine NBC as virtually any ‘ol citizen. This is obviously unconstitutional since Article II Section 1 Clause 5 makes it clear by use of the word “OR” that Natural Born Citizen is NOT a “Citizen” (which is granted by statute, the only omitted permutation being that of jus soli jus sanguinis both parents).
February 28, 2008, Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) introduced a bill to the Senate for consideration. That bill was known as S. 2678: Children of Military Families Natural Born Citizen Act. The bill was co-sponsored by Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL), Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY), Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ), and Sen. Thomas Coburn (R-OK).
Inhofe came out not long ago acting like a NBC constitutional proponent…he’s a pod person!!!
The Communists planted judicial people, they tried changing laws, they prepared for what we've protested against, suits filed, intimidations, mockery, dismissals...the system is null and void, THESE PEOPLE ARE TRAITORS AND PHONIES ONE AND ALL.
etc etc (plenty more, too)
These people knew they were going to shove Obama down our throats Constitution be damned. They sure put on a pretty good show but their names on these bills ahead of his run, show and prove their conspiracy.
For some reason, OK is infected with communist RINOs, Coburn Inhofe and Nickles are all traitors.
This is your best ad yet.
Eye-catching, simple and to the point, and very memorable.
Thank you.
WE currently have NO representative government, WE have NO unbiased courts, WE have NO "free" press, thus WE have NO "free" country. Career politicians and judges MUST be removed from office by ANY means at our disposal. The arrogant and corrupted politicians (ESPECIALLY JUDGES and CONGRESSMEN) now believe they have an absolute RIGHT to hold office for life. That insane idea, plus their lazy, worthless, mentally-ill butts, SHALL soon be banished. The VAST MAJORITY of "We the People" are mad as Hell and the next "1776" will occur VERY VERY VERY soon!
I love it Charles.....God Bless you both in what you are doing!!!
Children of Ambassadors/Agents are mentioned in the 14th Amendment and I believe also mentioned in the Wong Kim Ark decision. Offspring of Ambassadors are not citizens of the USA. Is it possible to classify Obama Sr as an agent/ambassador of Kenya since he was sent here by Kenya for an education so he could return to Kenya and become part of the government as an economist?
In regard to the 14th Amendment and the Wong Kim Ark Supreme Court decision. Can Obama Sr be classified as an agent/ambassador of Kenya/Britain when he was sent to the USA to obtain an education so he could return to Kenya and become part of the Kenyan government as an economist?
Great ad. I just found your spot at:
I will add a link back to that URL from my wordpress blog and my home page.
Yes, this new ad is setting hit/view records for us at SCRIBD.com.
Thanks for the feedback.
And thank you for adding the link to the fund raising site from your site. We need all the help we can get to continue placing these educational ads in support of the lawsuit.
Charles Kerchner
Lead Plaintiff
Kerchner v Obama & Congress
Help the cause. Please visit & contribute if you can:
bob strauss:
Nice try, but NOPE. He was a private citizen at the time - a student.
Love this ad! It should be on billboards all over the US.
You've obcviously struck the mother lode with the Obots as they are visiting Scribd and clicking on "1 star" in a clear attempt (in their feeble reasoning) to down-rate the ad.
Everyone should take that as an affront and a direct challenge to Americans who are concerned about their country and click on the Scribd link given, go to the left hand side (just below the ad) and click on the fifth star to let those flying monkeys know what you think of their co-operative efforts to send our country down the tubes.
And while they're at it, maybe they could kick in $5 or so toward the ad campaign at:
Every little bit helps ... and if things keep on as they are your dollars will be worth much less to you anyway!!
Most people haven't the slightest idea what full-page print ads in a newspaper such as the Washington Times might cost - and there have been 20 or more of them over this past year; some in color. I have heard that full-page color shows up as $5,000 per page so it takes mponey as fuel and I doube that either attorney Mario Apuzzo or Charles Kerchner will be able to gather in your income taxes to pay for things.
How about some $$$ help???
This all makes sense as soon as you prove that he wasn't born in the United States. Would you care to do so? Or would you prefer to continue advancing the absurd notion that anyone born in America to a non-American is by definition not a natural born citizen?
He won. Hundreds of millions of people voted for him. Build a bridge and get over it.
Great White Snark,
At a miniumum, the Constitution and any other law have to be adhered to. Then the people can vote for whom they want.
Great White Snark:
You seem to think, then, that all anchor babies are natural born citizens - that's absurd and you know it.
Great White Snark learn to think on your own.
Are you so busy posting other peoples thinking, that you can't find the time to read the United States Constitution.
Great White Snark said : "This all makes sense as soon as you prove that he wasn't born in the United States. Would you care to do so? Or would you prefer to continue advancing the absurd notion that anyone born in America to a non-American is by definition not a natural born citizen?
He won. Hundreds of millions of people voted for him. Build a bridge and get over it." Sadly, your comment is legally illogical and proves you are totally out of touch with reality regarding this issue and the applicable laws. Such a childishly foolish statement is closely akin to stating "So what if someone robbed a bank and shot all the witnesses? No one alive saw him, so now there's nothing you can do, so just get over it and move on". Obama knowingly ran AND was sworn in as a Constitutionally unqualified candidate and that fact is not legally altered by the numbers of persons who voted for him. ILLEGAL CANDIDATE = ILLEGAL PRESIDENT.
DixHistory Web pages, said
Spot on as to what al said... about snark's post.
Sadly, your comment is legally illogical and proves you are totally out of touch with reality regarding this issue and the applicable laws. Such a childishly foolish statement is closely akin to stating "So what if someone robbed a bank and shot all the witnesses? No one alive saw him, so now there's nothing you can do, so just get over it and move on". Obama knowingly ran AND was sworn in as a Constitutionally unqualified candidate and that fact is not legally altered by the numbers of persons who voted for him. ILLEGAL CANDIDATE = ILLEGAL PRESIDENT.
Hi Charles and Mario,
Your new ad appears to have hit a nerve with the media.
There is a hit piece at politico.uk. by an intern.
And, thepostemail reports their site hacked by suspect liberals.
I've been sending some money to help but this ad seems a winner.
I hear that the Whitehouse ordered business to stop ads in the Times.
Thanks again,
I think this is a history-making ad. And that is no joke!
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