Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Boston Globe Kept Obama Newsworthy Information Secret and the Immigration Service Released Two Different Obama Sr. Immigration Files

The Boston Globe Kept Obama Newsworthy Information Secret and the Immigration Service Released Two Different Obama Sr. Immigration Files

By: Mario Apuzzo, Esq.
July 7, 2011

On July 7, 2011, Sally Jacobs published her story in the Boston Globe entitled, Father Spoke of Having Obama Adopted. The story can be read at

What is rather revealing in Sally Jacobs’ story is what she says about Barack H. Obama Sr. speaking about having Obama Jr. possibly being adopted. What is so revealing is not so much what Obama Sr. said but rather that this information is coming out just now.

Here is what Ms. Jacobs wrote:

“‘Subject got his USC wife ‘Hapai’ [Hawaiian for pregnant] and although they were married they do not live together and Miss Dunham is making arrangements with the Salvation Army to give the baby away,’ according to a memo describing the conversation with Obama written by Lyle H. Dahling, an administrator in the Honolulu office of what was then called the US Immigration and Naturalization Service.

Obama, the Subject, and his USC, or United States citizen, wife, obviously, did not put their baby up for adoption. Whether the young couple actually considered such a step, or the elder Obama made the story up in order to appease immigration officials who at the time were considering his request for an extension of his stay in the United States, is unclear. Family members on both sides of the marriage now say they never heard any mention of adoption.

But his statement provides a unique glimpse into the relationship between the president’s parents and the fragility of his connection to the father whom he would little know.

Dahling’s memo, dated April 12, 1961, is one of dozens of documents in the elder Obama’s ‘alien’ file released by the Department of Homeland Security in response to a Freedom of Information Act request made in the course of research on a biography of Obama’s father. Obama was visiting the United States on a foreign student visa which required him to apply for an annual extension of his stay during the five years he was attending US colleges.

The memo advised that officials should continue to monitor the senior Obama’s personal life, and raised concerns about his behavior, noting that the previous summer he had been warned about his ‘playboy ways.’’’

The Boston Globe first obtained the INS file under a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request in 2009. For some unknown reason, it never released that file to the public. See the story at  and . 

The Boston Globe wrote a story on the Obama Sr. immigration file on April 29, 2011. See the story here .  It is safe to speculate that Ms. Jacobs wrote her story because on April 27, 2011, another newspaper had also obtained the same file and released it to the public. What is odd is that in this story written by the same Sally Jacobs, there is no mention of the Dahling memo. The adoption story surely was newsworthy but there is no mention of it in her story.

On April 27, 2011, the Obama Sr. INS file was also released by the Arizona Independent who also obtained the file under a FOIA request by staff writer, Heather Smathers. This second file was also published on the internet. That file can be accessed and read at . 

The Arizona Independent was not too happy about the Boston Globe keeping the Obama Sr. immigration file a secret from 2009. Its Managing Editor, Brian Wedemeyer, published a story on it on April 30, 2011, raising the ethical question of whether journalists should sit on newsworthy stories for the sake of writing a money-generating book about it at some later time. See his commentary here . 

A close look at the Arizona Independent file shows that the Dahling memo found in the Boston Globe file regarding the proposed adoption is not contained in the Arizona Independent file. The question then becomes why would someone remove such a document from an official government file, causing the Arizona Independent not to receive a copy of it? Other questions are why did the Boston Globe not release the INS file since acquiring it in 2009 and not reveal the Dahling memo until now? What is it about the Dahling memo that someone did not want the public to know about it? An investigation needs to be done regarding this Dahling memo and breach of a government immigration file. Another investigation should be done into journalistic ethics and a newspaper’s duty to report the news to the public.

Mario Apuzzo, Esq.
July 7, 2011

Copyright © 2011
Mario Apuzzo, Esq.
All Rights Reserved


  1. Hey, it's not like a newspaper (such as the LA Times) is purposely withholding a video of Obama praising and toasting Jew-basher and ex-PLO operative Rashid Khalidi.

  2. Attorney Phil Berg dismissed Obama, Sr's Kezia marriage as a 'village' wedding, and not recognized by the United States.' At least, that is what he wrote in an e-mail to me, defending his claim Obama was never a citizen.

    However, my research found Hague Conventions, that the U.S. signed, although after the Kezia-Obama marriage, that all marriages 'celebrated and solemnized' are recognized.

    Having two children, it is obvious that Obama 'consummated' his Kenyan marriage, and he did return to her.

    In addition, on making a claim of divorce to Dahling, Dahling's response should have been a request for apostilles of divorce from Kenya.

    Of course, then Obama, Sr. could just claim it was a Muslim divorce, only requiring a verbal dismissal. However, Kenya was ruled by the British, and must have had a department of Vital Records, which includes marriages and divorces.

    Obama, Sr. was a bigamist, at the very least, and the Dunham-Obama marriage was void ab initio. If Dahling had done his job, the marriage would have been voided and Obama's name removed from the child . . . but as 'Dunham,' born out of wedlock, in a revised birth certificate.

    Obama was not a legitimate son, nor is he a legitimate president.

    Our Republican congress now has the sole responsibility to stop this dangerous, ignorant Marxist . . . Obama's presidency must be neutered in its economic policies, and corporate taxes lowered as a gesture, to re-ignite U.S. business.

    Domestic Energy, ironically the role of the Dept of Energy, must be a goal similar to Kennedy's challenge to reach the moon . . . our goal, to go from 50% foreign dependancy to only 25% (and eventually becoming an exporter, e.g., to China).

    If this is not done, all I see is a depression and domestic violence.

  3. paraleaglenm,

    Regardless of the particulars of an alleged Obama-Dunham marriage, Obama Jr. is still a legitimate child of Obama Sr., his reported father.

  4. Not legitimate, but putative. He was not the legal parent, Ms. Dunham was.

    Due to bigamy, Obama was born nullius fillius, or illegitimate.

    Per my comment, if Dahling had properly asked for proof of Kenyan divorce, instead of just noting to 'watch' Obama, the birth certificate would have been amended, using Dunham's name, not Obama's.

    Like so much in Obama's life story, is a mess legally.

    As I have analyzed legally, Obama became solely a U.S. citizen only when he reached the age of 19. Prior to that, he was a British colonial citizen until it was established the father abandoned Dunham. He was an Indonesian from age 6 through 18. His U.S. citizenship at birth was inchoate most of his childhood due to actions of his mother.


    I hope all the document experts are not taking this release at face value. For there are real inconsistencies.

    It is my suspicion, based upon the information in the actual official immigration forms that Obama Snr filled out, on more than one occasion to grant an extension to his temporary stay in the U.S.
    That the handwritten notes that form the basis if the rumors that are not offical that speak in a unnoficial manner that Obama Snr and Anne Dunham were married or an item and had a child called Obama jnr- could be fakes!

    I suspect this could be the case
    Because there is no way the U.S dept of Imigration would allow an known innacurate and FALSE form application to be filed away until now .

    They would not have filed away something they (we are led to believe they had full knowledge was not true!) It would not have happened, the official froms i believe are true, but the extra handwritten notes could be frauds.

    They would have questioned the applicant and then making the applicant explain, ammend the form to the factual truth about his having children that seemingly they were meant to have been nformed about
    and the dept would have made sure the FILE was ammended before it was FILED AWAY AS A TRUE RECORD .

    What i am talking about is explained below.

    Do you realise the handwritten letter (SCRIB DOC 34) that is placed inbetween the official gov immigration forms has no purpose whatsover other than to back up the official birth narrative?
    I believe it most probably is fake for amazingly it contradicts the offical record on the form below it.

    And the document filled out by obama snr that is a official application form where all info needed is asked and where it asks for if married how many children and give their address.
    He leaves blank!

    Below it SCRIB DOC 35 contradicts the suspicous NO PURPOSE HANDWRITTEN letter above it.

    On the form obama snr is stating he has NO CHILDREN when asked in the form to affirm if he has any and where they live.



    This is also the case in another instance of the form
    the one from 1962?
    or 1964
    Obama snr then states he does have 1 child
    he ommits the adress, but states his name to be Roy.
    Obama jnr was born in 1961 or se we are told, and Obama snr must have known it could work in his favor in regards staying longer in the usa, if it was seen he had a recently U.S born dependant baby.
    So i find it amazing Obama snr would lie about this one thing that could have possibly been of help in his request to extend his stay in the U s a
    He obviously did not want to go!

  6. What is odd is that in this story written by the same Sally Jacobs, there is no mention of the Dahling memo. The adoption story surely was newsworthy but there is no mention of it in her story.

    My suspician it's a fraud makes sense of the aobe questions.
    The papaers that released it didnt want to involve non party publications to the fraud?

    I propose this adoption story has popped up out of the blue because...

    The Obama people have spun this adoption story to make sense of the reason Obama snr on at least 2 of the official gov forms omitts obama jnr from the record well after his birth in 1961.

    When asked if he had ANY children and where they lived, On one from he affirms he has one child- Roy Obama and that in 62?

    He then on another form does not affirm he has ANY children but affirms he is married but not who to.


    Instead they allegedly just talk up the playboy image/behaviour without mentioning in late 61 after obama's supposed birth , Obama snr denies he has a ANY children at all.

    Yet a handwritten no number memo was in between those official imigration forms for all intense and purpose filling obama snr forms in for him???

    and what they wrote fits the obama birth tale we been told a million times?

    I say there is something very up with this!

  7. Not legitimate, but putative. He was not the legal parent, Ms. Dunham was

    There is absoluteley zero official proof Ms Dunham is Obama Jnr's parent or legal Gaudian.

  8. If you want to get to the bottom of obama you cant just take his word for his parentage,and that is all anyone actually has - his word for it and few pictures and forgeries- even if it fits with your desired charge against him you cant take his word for it.
    Thats what he wanted you to do , believe in him having a father named Barack Hussien obama, didnt he?

    He is far to clever you see.

  9. Need i remind you, obama is in charge of the departments that released the immigration files

  10. Prior to that, he was a British colonial citizen until it was established the father abandoned Dunham.

    Thats if you believe what obama himself wanted the world to believe, that obama snr was his father and stanley anne his mother- there is no legal proof of either.

    As for Indonesian passports etc
    if everything is built upon a lie forgery adds upon forgery, how can anyone trust anything to do with him?

  11. The Arizona Independent was not too happy about the Boston Globe keeping the Obama Sr. immigration file a secret from 2009. Its Managing Editor, Brian Wedemeyer, published a story on it on April 30, 2011, raising the ethical question of whether journalists should sit on newsworthy stories for the sake of writing a money-generating book about it at some later time. See his commentary here .

    This is just like the media game played back in the days of the election, is obama middle name hussien?
    its laughable and a sure way to double trick the public and divert attention away from the fact
    obama snr committed a fraud on those immigration forms 2 TIMES AT LEAST

    ALL after obama was meant to have been born.
    and the immigration people knew he was lying
    but didnt charge him for it???
    didnt even bring it up??

  12. Those immigration forms WERE VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO OBAMA SNR

    I do not believe for one second he would LIE on them.

    This makes me distrust these additions to the record which contradict obama snr when asked about children.

  13. Another thing the stroy you have posted seems to suggest that the extra info was covered up from other newspapers because of what would be embarrassing to obama snr at the time not now!!

    They are trying to infer obama snr was offering the immigration service information about obama jnr telling them he planned to get rid of him and adopt him out
    as if it would work in obama snrs favour if he git rid of the kid

    It makes no sense .
    Surely Obama snr have a u.s born dependant would work in his favour to stay or extend his stay in the usa.

    The question then becomes why would someone remove such a document from an official government file, causing the Arizona Independent not to receive a copy of it? Other questions are why did the Boston Globe not release the INS file since acquiring it in 2009 and not reveal the Dahling memo until now? What is it about the Dahling memo that someone did not want the public to know about it?

    They did want to the public to know about it
    precisely because it gives a cover story for why obama snr states he is not the father of obama.

    They are imlpying he had disowned him and wanted to get rid of him



    That is why the additions drumming up with story have been added by a trustworthy player in obama cover-up
    they didnt want another appaer to anylise the handwritten memoes and see they are forgeries!!

  14. Another thing the story you have posted seems to suggest that the extra info on the memo's was covered up from other newspapers because of what would be embarrassing to obama snr at the time all those years ago,not now!!
    because they published with reference to them.

    The memo's are trying to infer obama snr was offering the immigration service information about obama jnr telling them he planned to get rid of him and adopt him out
    as if it would work in obama snrs favour if he git rid of the kid

    It makes no sense for him to do or think it would help him.

    Surely Obama snr having a u.s born dependant would work in his favour to stay or extend his stay in the usa, not work against it?

    "The question then becomes why would someone remove such a document from an official government file, causing the Arizona Independent not to receive a copy of it? Other questions are why did the Boston Globe not release the INS file since acquiring it in 2009 and not reveal the Dahling memo until now? What is it about the Dahling memo that someone did not want the public to know about it?"

    BUT they DID want to the public to know about it,
    precisely because it gives a cover story for why obama snr states he is not the father of obama.

    They are implying he had disowned him and wanted to get rid of him adopt him.



    And those forms were filed away for years that way!!

    If the dept of immigration really had those memo's and that information they would have not filed the forms away as they appear today, stating NO CHILDREN!

    i propose the additional memos are forgeries , there is no other sensible conclusion, because surely it is a crime to lie on such a form as that, and if they knew he had lied why didnt they do anything about it and why did they file those files away with a lie on them?

    To ocver up this glaring inconsistency which diesnt fit with the obama narrative that he so wanted the world to believe he published two books about it, the obama dream makers had to construct a plausable though very flawed reason obama says he has no obama jnr on those forms.

    That is why the handwritten memo's additions were placed to orchestrate the drumming up of the adoption soap opera tabloid story.
    To give a reason for the supposed lie on the form.

    I suggest these forged mem'os have been added by and only published by a trustworthy player in the obama cover-up team.

    They didnt want another paper to analyse the handwritten memo's and see they are forgeries added to an official gov record, that give a whole new narrative that totaly contradict the immigration service forms information.

    And the added memo's to my mind are so obviously dealing out the reader a narrative that fits the rest of the obama tall story.

    Dreams from my father.....


  15. Per my comment, if Dahling had properly asked for proof of Kenyan divorce, instead of just noting to 'watch' Obama, the birth certificate would have been amended, using Dunham's name, not Obama's.

    well seeing as they were meant to have that memo in their possesion, they didnt watch him very well at all did they?
    seeing as he stated he had no children on the form they gave him to fill out.

    The memo is therefore most probably with the wieght of the evidence, a fake.

    Unless you expect us and anyone to believe there was a massive conspiracy underway even back then, in the dept of immigration concerning this baby.

  16. @ houndedfew

    I suggest you read and then

    You don't need a DNA test to prove Obama's Article II eligibilty; the Hawaiian birth record is sufficient in identifying the legal mother and father. 'Legitimate' is a term of art that does not apply to Obama, Jr.

    The loss of legal 'parent' status of Obama, Sr. was determined by both the 1948 British Nationality Act and 8 USC 1101, controlling specifically which parent conferred citizenship.

    Obama, Sr., by abandoning support of the family, relinquished British jurisdiction. After all, that is why the laws were set up this way in the first place, to protect maiden U.S. citizens from losing their U.S. citizen status by marrying flake alien 'husbands.'

  17. @paraleaglenm

    Show me one legally trustworthy document that proves Obama Senior and or Stanley Anne dunham are The NAME UNKNOWN Presidential userper's blood parents that bestowed any form of blood nationality upon him.

  18. @paraleaglenm

    Show me one legally trustworthy document that proves Obama Senior and or Stanley Anne dunham are The NAME UNKNOWN Presidential userper's blood parents that bestowed any form of blood nationality upon him.

    All have you have been trying to prove a fraud not fraudulant
    For your accusation of foreign nationality birthage is based upon a fraud in the first place.


  19. @paraleaglenm

    Show me one legally trustworthy document that proves Obama Senior and or Stanley Anne dunham are The NAME UNKNOWN Presidential userper's blood parents that bestowed any form of blood nationality upon him.

    All have you have been trying to prove a fraud not fraudulant
    For your accusation of foreign nationality birthage is based upon a fraud in the first place.

