Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Is Obama Telling Us the Truth About His Place of Birth and Religion?
First, when Williams informed him that one-fifth of Americans do not believe that he is American-born and also believe that he is not a Christian but rather a Muslim, he answered "American born and Muslim are not the same thing?" And just what does Obama mean by that statement? He says, "the facts are the facts." But he surely does not tell us what those facts are.
Second, regarding the question of his birth place and religion, Obama says that he went through that during the campaign for Senator and President. Evidently, Obama feels that he has no obligation to tell the American people the truth about those issues at this time. Rather than address the issues with solid facts, he dismisses them as mere campaign smears which he has already overcome by winning the election.
Third, why would Obama believe that in order to address the question of where he was born he has to "spend all of [his] time with [his] birth certificate plastered on [his] forehead?" He tells us that to address the questions of concerned Americans regarding his birth certificate he would have to "spend all [his] time" on the birth certificate issue and that if he did he would not get much done. But how much time would it take for him to simply release his 1961 contemporaneous birth certificate to the public? He could start by posting it on the internet just like he posted in 2008 his questionable 2007 Certification of Live Birth (COLB). I can estimate the time for him to do that being 5 to 10 minutes.
Fourth, Obama says that he trusts in the "American people's capacity" to do the right thing and that he will "always put [his] money on the American people." If he has so much trust in them and would always "put his money on them," then why will he not release his birth certificate and his education, travel, and work documents for the American people to see?
We cannot put much trust in anything that Obama says. It is quite clear from Obama's answers that he is not telling the American people the truth about where he was born or about his religion. Rather, what we must do is ask him the proper questions and demand from him his evidence which proves that what he says in response to those questions is true.
And a special note to Brian Williams, it's a lot more than one-fifth of the American people asking questions. Up to 60% in this CNN poll have doubts about Obama's origins.
The interview can be seen here on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7dJqmfLR38
Mario Apuzzo, Esq.
August 30, 2010
Comments by CDR Kerchner (Ret):
Read this essay by Attorney Mario Apuzzo on the difference between being a "Citizen of the United States" and being a "natural born Citizen of the United States":
Not telling the truth is in Obama's blood and part and parcel of who he is. It comes both from the teachings of Islam via his Islamic upbringing in Indonesia until approximately the age of 10 and also via his mastering the teachings of Saul Alinsky in the use of lying and deception to obtain your goals when he worked as a community organizer in Chicago.
1. Lying is the tool of the community organizer which was Obama's primary occupation prior to entering politics. Obama is a grandmaster of the teachings of Saul Alinsky who taught that lying and deception to reach your goal are perfectly acceptable. The ends justifies the means. See Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals: http://www.crossroad.to/Quotes/communism/alinsky.htm
2. The Islamic Principle of Lying to Further the Advance of Islam. See "Understanding Taqiyya" http://www.islam-watch.org/Warner/Taqiyya-Islamic-Principle-Lying-for-Allah.htm
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
The U.S. State Department Fails to Address the Meaning of a Natural Born Citizen and to Conclusively Show that Obama Was Born in Hawaii

Here is the State Department article as published on the America.gov blog:
“The Obama Birth Controversy— By Todd Leventhal, 21 August 2009Who is America.gov.? Its blog section, “About Us,” informs us of the following: “State Department’s Bureau of International Information Programs (IIP) engages international audiences on issues of foreign policy, society and values to help create an environment receptive to U.S. national interests. IIP communicates with foreign opinion makers and other publics through a wide range of print and electronic outreach materials published in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Persian, Russian, and Spanish. IIP also provides information outreach support to U.S. embassies and consulates in more than 140 countries worldwide.”
During the past year, a number of conspiracy theorists have suggested that President Obama was not born in the United States. If this were true — which it is not — he would not be eligible to be the U.S. president, who must be a natural-born American.
On July 27, 2009, Hawaii State Health Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino confirmed that Obama was born in the U.S. state of Hawaii, stating:
‘I … have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawaii State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago ….’
In 2008, FactCheck.org examined a copy of Obama’s birth certificate held by the Obama campaign, verifying that it was a real, official document.
Nine days after Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4, 1961, the Honolulu Advertiser included among its birth notices, “Mr. and Mrs. Barack H. Obama of 6085 Kalanianaole Highway, son, Aug. 4,” which it reprinted in its Aug. 17, 2009 issue. The Honolulu Star-Bulletin printed the identical birth notice one day later, on August 14, 1961. Its former managing editor Dave Shapiro says, ‘Those were listings that came over from the state Department of Health. They would send the same thing to both papers.’
Interestingly, FactCheck.org determined that Obama was originally both a U.S. citizen and a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies from 1961 to 1963 (because his father was from Kenya, which gained its independence from the British Empire in 1963), then both a U.S. and Kenyan citizen from 1963 to 1982, and solely a U.S. citizen after that.’” See:
What is interesting is that there were only three comments allowed to be posted to this Leventhal article that appear at the blog. Commenting was then disabled. This is unbelievable given the huge public outcry over the unresolved question of whether putative President Obama is constitutionally eligible to be President. The answer to this anomaly is probably found at the blog itself which states: “This blog has been archived. This content will remain available but will not be updated and commenting is disabled.” How convenient for the State Department to publish such drivel and then prevent the interested public from commenting on it.
This new State Department “myth” and “conspiracy” article, other than conceding that Obama was at least born with divided allegiance and loyalty to both the United States (which assumes that he was born in Hawaii) and Great Britain which at age two transferred to allegiance and loyalty to Kenya, adds absolutely nothing to the already existing information and arguments on the question of whether putative President Obama is an Article II "natural born Citizen." The article is incorrect in stating that Obama’s Kenyan citizenship expired in 1982, for it actually expired in 1984, if he did not confirm it. It simply repeats the worn-out arguments supporting Obama's presidential eligibility (FactCheck.org, the two newspaper birth announcements, and what Hawaiian officials in carefully parsed statements said in 2008 and 2009) and stamps them with the imprimatur of officialdom (the U.S. State Department no less). One has to wonder why after over two years of debate on the question of where Obama was born, the only evidence that the State Department has of Obama being born in Hawaii is what Mr. Leventhal has published in this article. Why does the State Department not tell us that it has officially examined Obama’s 1961 contemporaneous birth certificate and the hospital records relating to that birth (that should be available if Obama was born in the Kapi'aloni Hospital as he claims) and has confirmed with that hospital that he was in fact born there? The article also misses and probably intentionally avoids so much of the pertinent information and points on the Founders’ and Framers’ natural law and law of nations definition of an Article II "natural born Citizen" (see Obama - Maybe a Citizen of the United States but Not a "natural born Citizen" of the United States at: http://puzo1.blogspot.com/2010/03/obama-maybe-citizen-of-united-states.html ) and on the question of whether Obama has conclusively proven that he was born in Hawaii (see A Catalog of Evidence - Concerned Americans Have Good Reason to Doubt that Putative President Obama Was Born in Hawaii at: http://puzo1.blogspot.com/2010/05/catalog-of-evidence-concerned-americans.html ), both questions having absolutely nothing to do with conspiracy theories or whether the moon landing occurred on a Hollywood stage. The piece is nothing more than a manipulation of selective information to reach a desired result, a technique that various bodies have used in addressing the question of whether Obama is eligible to be President. This is typical official propaganda.
I am now working on a petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court for the Kerchner et al. v. Obama/Congress et al case. The Kerchner plaintiffs and I will appreciate the support of all those who want the question of Obama's eligibility brought to justice and decided by the rule of law rather than by a biased voting majority, the two major political parties whose only purpose appears to be to gain and maintain power, and all their friends and our enemies who stand to gain in one way or another by the status quo and/or by the radical changes Obama has planned for our Constitutional Republic. We have to convince the Supreme Court that it should accept the Kerchner case for review because it presents important issues which the Supreme Court should decide and that the Kerchner plaintiffs do have standing to bring their claims against Obama and Congress.
Mario Apuzzo, Esq.
August 25, 2010
A request from CDR Kerchner:
Also, please cast your votes to Help the Cause to get the word out:
1st: Vote for Mario to be a guest on Judge Andrew Napolitano's Freedom Watch TV show: Please add your vote here (in addition to making a comment if desired) to get Attorney Mario Apuzzo on the air with the Judge Andrew Napolitano to discuss this issue. Go to this link and click on the VOTE button and cast 3 of your 10 votes for Mario Apuzzo. Don't just make a comment only. That does not count as a vote. Be sure to VOTE too: http://freedomwatch.uservoice.com/forums/16626-freedom-watch-guest-suggestions/suggestions/268573-mario-apuzzo-esq-
2nd: Vote for the show topic to be "natural born Citizenship". Please add your vote (in addition to making a comment if desired) for this new TV Show topic suggested by JTX at the Judge Andrew Napolitano "Freedom Watch" TV show suggestion forum. Go to this link and click on the VOTE button and cast 3 of your 10 votes for the show topic to be "natural born Citizenship". Don't just make a comment only. That does not count as a vote. Be sure to VOTE too: http://freedomwatch.uservoice.com/forums/16625-freedom-watch-show-ideas/suggestions/969299-natural-born-citizen-meaning-in-natural-law-s?ref=title
Charles F. Kerchner, Jr., Commander USNR (Retired)
Lead Plaintiff, Kerchner v Obama & Congress
Please if you can, visit this site and help the cause:
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Atty Apuzzo & CDR Kerchner on Dr. Kate's Revolution Radio Show - Wed, 18 Aug 2010, 9:00 p.m. EST

Atty Mario Apuzzo and CDR Kerchner were on the Revolution Radio Show hosted by Dr. Kate to discuss the status of the Kerchner et al vs Obama & Congress et al lawsuit for which a Writ of Certiorari is being prepared for submission to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Direct link to the Dr. Kate's Revolution Radio show at BlogTalkRadio.com where you can listen to it as a podcast: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/drkate/2010/08/19/revolution-radio-constitutional-crisis
Dr. Kate's Blog:
Also, please cast your votes to Help the Cause to get the word out:
1st: Vote for Mario to be a guest on Judge Andrew Napolitano's Freedom Watch TV show: Please add your vote here (in addition to making a comment if desired) to get Attorney Mario Apuzzo on the air with the Judge Andrew Napolitano to discuss this issue. Go to this link and click on the VOTE button and cast 3 of your 10 votes for Mario Apuzzo. Don't just make a comment only. That does not count as a vote. Be sure to VOTE too: http://freedomwatch.uservoice.com/forums/16626-freedom-watch-guest-suggestions/suggestions/268573-mario-apuzzo-esq-
2nd: Vote for the show topic to be "natural born Citizenship". Please add your vote (in addition to making a comment if desired) for this new TV Show topic suggested by JTX at the Judge Andrew Napolitano "Freedom Watch" TV show suggestion forum. Go to this link and click on the VOTE button and cast 3 of your 10 votes for the show topic to be "natural born Citizenship". Don't just make a comment only. That does not count as a vote. Be sure to VOTE too: http://freedomwatch.uservoice.com/forums/16625-freedom-watch-show-ideas/suggestions/969299-natural-born-citizen-meaning-in-natural-law-s?ref=title
Charles F. Kerchner, Jr., Commander USNR (Retired)
Lead Plaintiff, Kerchner v Obama & Congress
Please if you can, visit this site and help the cause:
Monday, August 16, 2010
Latest Ad - Kenyan Ministers Orengo & Khalwale say Obama "born in Kenya" - "not native American"-"should repatriate" to Kenya-30, 23, & 16 Aug 10 WTNW

Adjectives mean something. Obama was possibly born a "Citizen of the United States" but he was NOT born a "natural born Citizen of the United States" to constitutional standards: http://puzo1.blogspot.com/2010/03/obama-maybe-citizen-of-united-states.html
Obama probably was Not Born in Hawaii - The Evidence: http://puzo1.blogspot.com/2010/05/catalog-of-evidence-concerned-americans.html and http://www.scribd.com/document_collections/2441535
The Cover-up: http://puzo1.blogspot.com/2010/01/i-believe-fix-was-in-for-2008-election.html
Please Cast Your Votes to Help the Cause
1st: Vote for Mario to be a Guest: Please add your vote here in addition to making a comment if desired to get Attorney Mario Apuzzo on the air with the Judge Andrew Napolitano to discuss this issue. Go to this link and click on the vote button and cast 3 of your 10 votes for Mario Apuzzo. Here is the link to vote for Mario: http://freedomwatch.uservoice.com/forums/16626-freedom-watch-guest-suggestions/suggestions/268573-mario-apuzzo-esq-
2nd: Vote for "natural born Citizenship" as a Show Topic: Please add your vote in addition to making a comment for this new TV Show topic suggested by JTX at the Judge Andrew Napolitano "Freedom Watch" TV show suggestion forum. Go to this link and click on the vote button and cast 3 of your 10 votes for the show topic to be "natural born Citizenship". Vote for the new show topic idea at this link:
Charles Kerchner, Commander USNR (Retired)
Lead Plaintiff, Kerchner v Obama & Congress
Thursday, August 12, 2010
An Open Letter to John McCain-Will you do the right thing at this crucial time? We will see. We the People, history and God will be your final Judge
From: CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)
Senator McCain, your Democratic/Progressive/Socialist opponents questioned your “natural born Citizenship” status in the 2008 election. The question I ask is, why didn’t you question Obama’s “natural born Citizen” status? That is the obvious response in a political battle. Especially with all the talk about Obama’s mysterious early life narrative back then and that continues to this day … but now as a roar as his phony life story is revealed more and more every day. Or John, did you make a deal with the devil in the Senate cloak room to get the weaselly worded SR 511 passed for you by Senator Leahy (and backed by Obama himself on your behalf) in return for you keeping quiet about Obama during the campaign and not asking anything about Obama’s “natural born Citizenship” flaws, and all his hidden and sealed early life records. You and your establishment Republican control of the RNC allowed Obama a total pass on that. Why? The deal you made with the Democratic/Progressive Caucus leadership and the DNC Party stinks to high heaven. Is this an example of your reaching across the aisle to work with the Democrats/Progressives!?
You sold out for personal protection and hiding of your own natural born citizenship questions and flaws. You made a deal to protect Obama. You would not even mention Obama’s middle name or his questionable background in the campaign. You chewed out anyone who did. You sold out to the DEMs and Progressive Caucus to get SR 511 passed for you to make your natural born Citizenship questions by the DEM operatives “problems” go away. Instead of both of you candidates taking both your stories openly to the American people in the various debates and laying it all out to them and explaining it to them in the primary debates, you both chose to hide it and silence it and try to bury it. If you both were so cock-sure of your “natural born Citizenship” status, why didn’t both of you debate this issue before We the People in the primaries!?
John, you sold out the country and the U.S. Constitution, specifically Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 (the Presidential eligibility clause) and have allowed a true “domestic enemy” to sit in the Oval Office as a result.
No person born of a foreign national, non-Citizen, non-immigrant, non-permanent resident to the USA, such as Obama was, can ever be considered to be a “natural born Citizen” of the USA. Read the preeminent legal treatise of the founding era by Emer de Vattel, “The Law of Nations or Principles of Natural Law”, Vol.1, Chapter 19, Section 212. The founders and framers did. They used that legal book to help write the founding documents. A “natural born Citizen” is one born in the country to two Citizen parents! Such a person is naturally, per natural law, a “natural born Citizen” of the country and no man-made law, amendment, court decision, spin machine in the media, or Senate resolution is required to explain it or clarify that person’s natural law Citizenship status. But you see John, you made a Faustian pact with the devil. And for the first time in history the two major political parties both jointly put up Presidential candidates who did not meet that natural law definition. The fix was in for 2008 to usurp and ignore the Constitution as to whom is eligible to serve in that singularly most powerful office in our nation. And John, you helped put the fix in for your own personal political power and goals. You helped make the deal! And you continue to help with the cover up!
Read this essay of mine for more on the Fix Was In for the 2008 Presidential Election:
John, you betrayed your Oath. You abandoned the wisdom of our forefathers and the founders of this nation for your own personal political gain and quest for power. You dishonored your prior honorable service to this nation. You are no longer a hero in this country to my eyes and in the eyes of many who know this truth about what you did in 2008. Will you try to redeem yourself? Will you truly finally at this stage in your life put Country First? Will you stand up now for the Constitution and your Oath and help correct the wrong you helped perpetrate in 2008, even at great personal pain to yourself and your legacy? Or will you let a fellow commissioned officer, LTC Lakin, who served his country bravely and with honor in Afghanistan, be court martialed and be destroyed by the corrupt politicos in Washington DC and their followers in the Pentagon leadership … for LTC Lakin standing up for his oath … while you remain silent as to what you know about the 2008 election and Obama? Will you continue to allow Obama to corrupt every institution in the nation to protect his phony life of fraud as a con-man and a grifter as to who he really is. We will see John. We the People, history and God will be your final Judge.
CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)Pennsylvania USA
Lead Plaintiff, Kerchner v Obama & Congress
Monday, August 9, 2010
Ad - Citizen vs "natural born Citizen" - with Obama It's Don't Ask, Don't Tell - 09 Aug 2010 issue Wash Times Natl Wkly - pg 5

Printed in: 09 Aug 2010 issue Washington Times National Weekly - pg 5
Link to Ad: http://www.scribd.com/doc/35576879/Citizen-v-natural-born-Citizen-It-s-Don-t-Ask-Don-t-Tell-20100809-issue-Wash-Times-Natl-Wkly-pg-5
Adjectives mean something. Obama was possibly born a "Citizen of the United States" but he was NOT born a "natural born Citizen of the United States" to constitutional standards: http://puzo1.blogspot.com/2010/03/obama-maybe-citizen-of-united-states.html
Obama probably was Not Born in Hawaii - The Evidence: http://puzo1.blogspot.com/2010/05/catalog-of-evidence-concerned-americans.html and http://www.scribd.com/document_collections/2441535
The Cover-up: http://puzo1.blogspot.com/2010/01/i-believe-fix-was-in-for-2008-election.html
Please Cast Your Votes to Help the Cause
1st: Vote for Mario to be a Guest: Please add your vote here in addition to making a comment if desired to get Attorney Mario Apuzzo on the air with the Judge Andrew Napolitano to discuss this issue. Go to this link and click on the vote button and cast 3 of your 10 votes for Mario Apuzzo. Here is the link to vote for Mario: http://freedomwatch.uservoice.com/forums/16626-freedom-watch-guest-suggestions/suggestions/268573-mario-apuzzo-esq-
2nd: Vote for "natural born Citizenship" as a Show Topic: Please add your vote in addition to making a comment for this new TV Show topic suggested by JTX at the Judge Andrew Napolitano "Freedom Watch" TV show suggestion forum. Go to this link and click on the vote button and cast 3 of your 10 votes for the show topic to be "natural born Citizenship". Vote for the new show topic idea at this link:
A comment and statement from CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret) ...
Every military order Barack Obama gives as Commander-in-Chief, every bill he signs into law, and every executive decision and order he makes while unconstitutionally seated in the Office of President, is unconstitutional, and hence illegal. Obama is NOT an Article II "natural born Citizen of the United States" to constitutional standards. Adjectives mean something. And the term "natural born" in front of "Citizen of the United States" meant something very special to the founders of this nation and the framers of the Constitution. It meant birth with sole allegiance and claims on the person at birth by one and only one country, the United States. And that meaning via the words of Vattel codifying natural law has been cited in many Supreme Court decisions as being from the words of Emer de Vattel's preeminent legal treatise of the founding time period, The Law of Nations or Principles of Natural Law. This legal book was used by the founders of our country such as Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Jay, and George Washington. Vattel defined a "natural born Citizen" via natural law as a person who is born in the country to two parents who are Citizens of that country. Obama's father was not a Citizen, he was not even an immigrant to this country, and in fact Obama's father was not even a permanent resident in this country. He was a British Subject and a sojourning alien visitor to this country here to attend college. He never had an intent to become a Citizen of this country. Thus his son Barack Hussein Obama II was born a British Subject from his father per the British Nationality Act of 1948 which governed Obama at his birth, no matter where he was born to a British Subject. Obama was born a British Subject with dual allegiances to more than one country and thus he can never be considered to be an "natural born Citizen" of any country.
The U.S. Courts and the Congress MUST address the merits of the charges against Obama for this constitutional issue, and if he is not who he says he is as this lawsuit alleges, they must constitutionally remove Barack Obama or he must resign, in order to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, the fundamental law of our land. We are a nation of laws not men. And even the high and mighty, high flying Obama, last from Chicago, is not above the law. To protect the Constitution and our nation of laws is their duty and sworn OATH to the Constitution and to the American people who trusted them when they were elected to Congress and took the oath and when these judges and justices were appointed and confirmed by them and they took the oath. Will they keep ignoring their oath on this grave matter of constitutional precedence as to defending the black letter law in the eligibility clause of Article II of the U.S. Constitution and the historic national security standard as to who can serve as President and Commander in Chief of the military. Or will they continue to allow a usurper in charge of our government and of our military ... and cowardly avoid the issue with obfuscations and technicalities to avoid the merits of the charges? Will the main stream media and press keep allowing them to do it? What has happened to the 4th Estate of our government. It no longer serves to protect the People and root out frauds and corruption. But instead, it caters to the ruling class inside the beltway in Washington DC to protect the corrupt and the frauds. May God save America and us all if those that took that solemn oath to the Constitution and are now down in Washington DC to justly govern and protect us and the rule of law, do not stand up to protect the Constitution and to protect us from a domestic enemy and continue the aversion of addressing the merits of the charges brought by this lawsuit and the thousands and thousands of letters and calls from the People and seriously investigate in a court of law or a Senate hearing with full subpoena powers by both parties the true legal identity of Obama. Will they stand up and defend Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 (the presidential eligibility clause) of the U.S. Constitution from usurpation or will they all continue the cover up of this matter and the historic constitutional crisis that has been created by Obama's fraud in the 2008 election and his usurpation of office and power since? Will they stand up before it is too late?
Charles Kerchner, Commander USNR (Retired)
Lead Plaintiff, Kerchner v Obama & Congress
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Some [RINO] Republicans Want Birthright Citizenship Review-But is it Simply Cover for Another Cloaked more Sinister Objective? | by CDR Kerchner (Ret)

What Senator Lindsey Graham of SC with the backing of Senator John McCain of AZ is stating to the press with this new initiative of his is only half the story:
by CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)
Watch carefully how these key but sneaky Republican leaders (RINOs) such as Senator Lindsey Graham of SC and Senator John McCain of AZ will try to cleverly game this new initiative of theirs to make it look like on the surface that it appears they are trying to work on the very real "anchor baby" problem in the USA. But while they overtly say they are trying to correctly define who is a "born a Citizen of the United States" per the 14th Amendment of the Constitution to solve this "anchor baby" problem, they covertly in the process will also be trying to confuse the 14th Amendment part of the Constitution with another part of the Constitution, i.e., who is a "natural born Citizenship of the United States" as required in Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution, the Presidential eligibility clause. Watch them speak and how they switch Citizenship terms in mid-sentence and use them interchangeably. These two terms and parts of the Constitution have nothing to do with each other and are in the Constitution for two different purposes. The "natural born Citizen" clause in Article II was added by John Jay and George Washington as a national security protection clause required for eligibility to serve in the singular most powerful office in our new form of government, President and Commander of the Military. It was added as a higher level of qualification standards to the existing proposed eligibility clause proposed by Hamilton to provide a "strong check" against foreign influence on any future President after the founders were gone in order that the person in that office would have no "foreign influence" claims on them via birth. They wanted all future Presidents and Commanders of the Military of the United States to have sole allegiance at birth to only the USA. Only a natural law "natural born Citizen" meets that requirement. The "natural born Citizens", as defined by natural law, are people born in the country to two citizen parents of the country, and they are by far the most populous sub-group of those who are "Citizens by birth" of a country. The remainder who are not "natural born Citizens" were made "Citizens by birth" per Statutory Laws passed by Congress such as Title 8 Section 1401, the 14th Amendment, and U.S. court decisions interpreting those laws and amendments, not always correctly. To learn more on the difference between "Citizen by birth" and being a "natural born Citizen by birth" see the historic and scholarly legal treatise by Emer de Vattel, The Law of Nations or Principles of Natural Law, Volume 1, Chapter 19, Section 212. This legal treatise was used by the founders of our nation and framers of the U.S. Constitution to write our founding documents The Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.
Adjectives mean something in man-made law and in natural law. But watch how these double talking Senators interchange the two citizenship terms in the same discussion like these two terms mean the same thing. Those two terms do not mean the same thing and these two different terms are used in two different places in the U.S. Constitution for two entirely different purposes and these Senators know it. It's the old repeat the big lie long enough people will believe it routine. They are running another deception game on the American people like they did in 2008. See this article I wrote for more about the clever and deceptive cavalier interchangeable use by the Progressives and RINOs in Congress and in the media of the terms "Citizen by/at Birth" and "natural born Citizen by/at birth". These two legal terms do NOT mean the same thing. Even the U.S. State Department's Foreign Affairs Manual points this out. http://puzo1.blogspot.com/2009/07/citizen-at-birth-cab-does-not-equal.html
These key Republican leadership and senators KNOW there is a difference in the wording, meaning, and intent of the 14th Amendment, the Wong Kim Ark 1898 and other Supreme Court decisions, and Statutory Laws as to whose is a "Citizen of the USA", ... and the wording in Article II as to who is a "natural born Citizen of the USA". They know that those two extra adjectives have very special meaning rooted deeply in natural law. But they are going to deliberately blur the lines on purpose because of what these same Senators and both political parties did in the 2008 election, i.e., both political parties putting up candidates for President who had suspect Article II "natural born Citizen" status. Both candidates from the two major political parties for the first time in history did not meet the historic law of nations and natural law Article II meaning of the legal term of art "natural born Citizen of the United States", which is being born in the USA to two citizen parents. McCain was born in Panama and Obama's father was not a Citizen of the USA, not even an immigrant to the USA.
These self serving clever politicians have tried five (5) times legislatively since 2001 to blur the meaning of "natural born Citizen of the United States" by statute but have failed. http://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogspot.com/2010/07/why-democrats-failed-to-re-define.html
Why did they do that? They did it in an attempt to provide cover to run candidates for President who would otherwise not be eligible ... McCain and Obama. And maybe to also provide cover in the future for political figures like Gov. Jindal and others who are not "natural born Citizens of the United States" to run for President without amending the Constitution first. But instead of amending Article II of the Constitution to address the issue head on, they choose to obfuscate the issue and babble and lie and confuse the electorate about it in other ways. The reason they don't want to address amending Article II as to who can be the President head-on is because they know the We the People will not allow amendment of the "natural security" eligibility clause in Article II, i.e., that the person who would be President must be a "natural born Citizen of the United States" -- be born in the USA to parents who are both Citizens of the United States.
Ignore that clause and what do you get. You get what our founders and framers feared most ... a person not innately loyal to the USA by birth ... i.e. .... OBAMA a citizen of the world sitting in the Oval Office with more concern about his homeland of Kenya and the world than he does for the USA. Obama is NOT eligible to be the President of the United States and Commander in Chief of our military. Americans have very good reasons to be concerned about Obama's exact legal identify and citizenship status. He may or may not be a Citizen of the United Stated depending on where he was physically born, but he is clearly NOT a "natural born Citizen of the United States' to constitutional standards. See this essay by Attorney Mario Apuzzo for more on the history and law and Supreme Court decisions on that point. http://puzo1.blogspot.com/2010/03/obama-maybe-citizen-of-united-states.html
Man cannot redefine "natural law". These law were created by nature and nature's God. It is from natural law that our unalienable rights flow, some of which were written into the Constitution in the Bill of Rights. These corrupt politicians can try to redefine what the word "is" is. And one infamous one tried in the past to redefine what "sex" is in his political musings. But they cannot redefine common sense and the laws of nature and nature's God who created them. As Lincoln said they can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time but they cannot fool all the people all the time. But these weasels in Washington DC keep trying it and will try it again, imo. And the willing and enabling and corrupt press exemplified by the "Journolist'as" will enable them to try and obfuscate the two legal terms of "born a Citizen of the United States" and "natural born Citizen of the United States". For these snakes, will try to ignore all parts of the Constitution which stand in their way of overthrowing our Constitutional Republic and turning it into a National Socialist state. Again, "natural born Citizens" are the most popular group and is a subset of the larger group of all Citizens. As per Vattel's The Law of Nations or Principles of Natural Law, the "natural born Citizens" define the culture and very nature of a nation. It is from those 100s of millions of "natural born Citizens of the United States" that we must choose our Presidents.
See these charts and the Euler logic diagram and essay for the tools to educate others and fight back against this latest sneaky Republican Party ploy to try to work on one problem all the while hiding the real goal which is obfuscating what a "natural born Citizen of the United States" is, all the while pretending they are addressing of the "anchor baby" problem in the USA, which does indeed need to be addressed by defining the "jurisdiction" clause of the 14th Amendment.
What is the solution to the "anchor babies" problem? The real and correct way to solve the "anchor baby" issue is to simply address by a new law passed by Congress defining clearly and legally what the term "and subject to the jurisdiction thereof" in the 14th amendment means when it says "All those born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are Citizens of the United States". It does not take a constitutional amendment to do that! Doing that 'definition law' for a legal term in the 14th Amendment, they would solve the "anchor baby" issue without messing with "natural law" terms such as exist in Article II or having to amend the Constitution.
You see "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" means far more than just geographic location of birth. Lawyers know this. Senators know this. But they must write it into a law to straighten out poorly worded court decisions and bureaucratic decisions in the last 100 years or so. That "jurisdiction" term in the 14th Amendment is the term these Senators should address and define with statutory law to solve the "anchor baby" problem which has been created by poor court decisions over the last 100 or so years to enable many more individuals to be declared Citizen of the United States when the framers of the 14th Amendment never so intended the full words of that Amendment to be so loosely interpreted.
Citizenship of the USA is a cherished and highly desired status in this world. It should be better respected and protected. If the parents of a child want their child to become a Citizen of the USA they should legally emigrate to the USA and establish legal residency and become themselves Citizens of the USA, swearing sole allegiance to the USA via naturalization, and thus for their children in the right and proper legal way. They should not just be able to fly here from Brazil, have the baby in the USA, and then return home to Brazil and have that child be considered a U.S. citizen, a child who will grow up with little or no allegiance to the USA in return for the protection U.S. citizenship provides. Likewise two illegal alien Mexicans crossing the border into Texas and having the baby in Texas, that child should not automatically be considered a Citizen of the United States. With Citizenship of the USA comes the protection of the most powerful nation on earth. But in return for that protection, the nation expects full and sole allegiance to the USA. These "anchor babies" and their alien parents do not give that in return for the protection they seek in the Citizen of the U.S. status by their gaming the system as it is now operating.
Also, another key point when you listen to these obfuscating Senators speak on TV. Please note that the words "natural born Citizen of the United States" are not in the 14th amendment despite what the obfuscating politicians will try to imply or even say at times with a lying but straight face. The 14th amendment did not modify or amend Article II and did not modify or amend what the meaning of the natural law legal term of art "natural born Citizen of the United States" means.
Senator Graham is taking the lead on this because he trying to provide cover for his good friend and buddy Senator McCain on the "natural born Citizen" problem that Senator McCain had in the 2008 election and still has. This is all part of the continuing cover up of what the political parties did in the fraudulent Presidential election of 2008. The fix was in for the 2008 election and the cover up continues.
No Senator Lindsey Graham (good buddy RINO and right hand man of the RINO-in-Chief -- Senator John McCain) ... the proper way to fix the "anchor baby" problem in the USA is by passing a new law by Congress to define what the words "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" in the 14th Amendment means, ... not to try and amend the Constitution or to blur the meaning of other legal terms in other parts of the U.S. Constitution, the fundamental law of our land and Republic.
The national security "natural born Citizen" clause in the eligibility requirements as to who can serve as President and Commander of our Military is very important and worth preserving. But if it is to be changed it should be proposed to be changed directly and head-on to try and convince the American people and 3/4th of the several states to do it, not by political subterfuge and obfuscation and hiding that objective within another stated initiative addressing our out of control border situation and lax and improper laws in granting birth Citizenship in this country. We don't need need double talking congressional secret purpose "earmarks" hanging on a proposed new change in the laws for one purpose, fixing the misinterpretations of the intent of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, to be secretly trying to amend or usurp another part of the Constitution, the national security protection afforded by the Article II presidential eligibility clause requiring natural law "natural born Citizenship" status for those who would be President and Commander in Chief.
America, we need to wake up and see what the Progressives in both parties are doing to damage our Constitutional Republic form of government in their continued efforts to usurp and/or ignore the Constitution. We are in great danger of losing our freedom and liberty if the trend in Washington DC continues much longer. If we allow these power hungry Progressives in both national parties to blatantly ignore the black letter law of Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 they will eventually blatantly ignore every single part of the Constitution and its Bill of Rights and we will live in total tyranny. All the Dem Progressives and RINO Progressives should be voted out of office at the earliest opportunity. And the usurper Obama needs to be removed from the office he usurps. And those that participated in this illegality in allowing a usurper into the Oval Office and the continuing cover up to allow him to stay there need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and the U.S. Constitution for what they have done.
CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)
Pennsylvania USA
Lead Plaintiff
Kerchner v Obama & Congress
P.S. Do you want to do something to help the cause? Cast your votes to help the effort to get Attorney Apuzzo on the air with Judge Andres Napolitano to discuss the "natural born Citizen" clause of the U.S. Constitution. Here are the two links to visit and click on the Vote button and case 3 votes at each link.
1st: Vote for Mario to be a Guest: Please add your vote here to get Attorney Mario Apuzzo on the air with the Judge Andrew Napolitano to discuss this issue. Here is the link to vote for Mario: http://freedomwatch.uservoice.com/forums/16626-freedom-watch-guest-suggestions/suggestions/268573-mario-apuzzo-esq-
2nd: Vote for "natural born Citizenship" as a Show Topic: Please add your vote for this new TV Show topic suggested by JTX at the Judge Andrew Napolitano "Freedom Watch" TV show suggestion forum. Vote for the new show topic idea at this link:
Monday, August 2, 2010
Ad - Obama Is A Usurper & Illegal President - Washington Times National Weekly edition - 02 Aug 2010 - page 5

Link to Ad: http://www.scribd.com/doc/35210010/Obama-Is-a-Usurper-Illegal-President-20100802-Issue-Wash-Times-Natl-Wkly-pg-5
Adjectives mean something. Obama was possibly born a "Citizen of the United States" but he was NOT born a "natural born Citizen of the United States" to constitutional standards: http://puzo1.blogspot.com/2010/03/obama-maybe-citizen-of-united-states.html
Obama probably was Not Born in Hawaii - The Evidence: http://puzo1.blogspot.com/2010/05/catalog-of-evidence-concerned-americans.html and http://www.scribd.com/document_collections/2441535
The Cover-up: http://puzo1.blogspot.com/2010/01/i-believe-fix-was-in-for-2008-election.html
Cast Your Votes to Help the Cause
1st: Vote for Mario to be a Guest: Please add your vote here to get Attorney Mario Apuzzo on the air with the Judge Andrew Napolitano to discuss this issue. Here is the link to vote for Mario: http://freedomwatch.uservoice.com/forums/16626-freedom-watch-guest-suggestions/suggestions/268573-mario-apuzzo-esq-
2nd: Vote for "natural born Citizenship" as a Show Topic: Please add your vote for this new TV Show topic suggested by JTX at the Judge Andrew Napolitano "Freedom Watch" TV show suggestion forum. Vote for the new show topic idea at this link:
Charles Kerchner, Commander USNR (Retired)
Lead Plaintiff, Kerchner v Obama & Congress